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Posts posted by ClatoEverlark

  1. I have the same issue of having to keep a constant stream of disposing/rebuilding/upgrading in order to keep gaining experience due to running out of storage room and my storage capacity is currently around the 99k mark!! It's a complete pain in the proverbial...

    Lolol. Oh my gosh.

    99K? Seriously? :O As for me, I don't want Storages to take up space on my Habi, since I have..like 15 Nesters (But I will minimize them down to 5 or 10 when all of my P3s die on the next death row, lol) I can't afford any more Storages eating up space on my Habi, or can I..?

    Well actually, gift-giving is the most efficient way of tearing the number of those resources on hand. And I really hope more people will reply on this thread asking for items :3

  2. Any of you still keeping up with your Habi? Level 1 and onwards, I am willing to give you things you need :laughingsmiley:

    Okay guys. I've been full on resources lately and I just want to be nice :D



    1.) First step is NeoFriending me of course, you can un-friend me after you received your gift. It's for you to decide.

    2.) NeoMail me anything you want (or you can post it here) From cornmeals to hospitals, just name it. I will try and give it to ye.

    3.) Of course you can ask for another gift the next day!



    High (25,000-40,500) Med (10,000-24,000) Low (1,000-9,000)


    Wood: High

    Mud: High

    Stone: High

    Pollen: Med

    Water: Med

    Grass: Med


    Oh and I cleared up my Habi and I have 5 Grarrl Tooth rotting in my inventory, if anyone wants them just ask me!


    I will post it here if I'm low on resources and you may have to wait for a few hours to get what you want and yeah.

    And yes I know I can buy buildings and upgrade them and remove them after for XP-gaining but I'm too lazy :( I'd rather help out people instead.

  3. So, I've decided I will edit mine today since I've been feeling ashamed with mine recently.

    Can you guys help me out? This seems like a n00b question but it's my first time to edit my siggy.

    My questions are, how can you place it on the center? :S

    And, and..when I copy paste codes here (not codes from TDN) it just appears as a plain old text and not the graphic itself.


    Sorry, I know nothing about BBCodes D:

  4. I wasn't capable of doing this though despite of being a Neopian for 4 years, like most of us I have been on and off on Neo. Started when I was 9. Quite unsure what to do then, quite careless and no goals but trust me, now? I have loads. None of them achieved by far but..I will.


    1.) Upgrade my bank account to "Ultimate Riches!"

    2.) Paint 5 of my pets Maraquan

    3.) Provide Transmogrification Potions for my future Chomby, Bori, Ogrin and Skeith

    4.) Adopt 3 more Kikos on July 14th [Thanks to hrtbrk got my 1st today!]

    5.) 150 Avatars

    6.) Adopt a Zombie Draik

    7.) Cross paint one of my pets

    8.) Finally afford NC

    9.) Complete my Usuki Collection

    10.) Complete the Secret Lab Map

    11.) Buy a Breebly, Moach and other P3s.


    Hey, it's not too bad to dream and achieve right? All of those for now. Hopefully will achieve them by the time I am 20 :D

  5. Thanks! Just what I needed :D



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  6. My 1st AC with Maraqua *excitement*. I chose it because my favourite colour is teal and I am in love with the ocean.

    Lamelle and Tonie are my fave. And you do not dare to make me choose :D




    I think we should post our stats here to keep in track of what's going on, kinda. Don't you guys think? Agree or disagree? :/

  7. Actually worth the vote (: Good luck!



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  8. Sorry you can't cancel auctions. And the minimum increment is like how much you want the price to go up each bid. So next time put 170k in the first slot and 10k in the MI slot, if you wanted at least 180k for the item, that way the biding price will be 180k then when someone bids it will only go up another 10k after that bid. You can do the math part any way you want though to make it go up only 10 np, 1np, etc.


    This might help you.



    Thank you so much! Haha. I feel stupid, though :P

    But thank you! :D

  9. First off, can we cancel auctions? It's my first time, ok.

    Second..what exactly does..minimum increment mean?

    I set up start price as 180K and minimum increment as 178K. I checked my auctions and this appeared:


    Last Bid: 180000 Current Price: 358000


    WHY IS THE CURRENT PRICE THAT MUCH AAAHHH!!!!!!!!! Now no one will bid on it *creys*

    Is it minimum increment + starting price? :sad01_anim:

  10. I agree with you! Had I known how this map was going to look I probably would've gone with another one. I chose it when Habi first came out and thought 'That a pretty name!' so I went with it *lol*


    I have mine set up much like scoptophobia, with everything along the sides. I find it's much cleaner that way.

    I think "Meadow" got me. Hahahaha.

    I rearranged my Habi now thanks to you guys who helped (:

  11. Woodnymph: But I love Larnikins! :O Don't you think they're adorable? Hahaha (:

    Rune: I will minimize the population of my soldiers next time. Ahahah. But the pests are so many :S Maybe because of the number of food in my Habi.

    nURLo: Will change my decors ASAP! :laughingsmiley: But I don't like blocking my Storages, it's a pain when repairing them :( Been there, done that.

    Scoptophobia: How in the world can you keep up with all the repairing and moving?! Geez, I bow to you!!! xD

    moni_rawr: I love your layout :) It looks really neat to me! I agree, rearranging for level 50 is a must!

    YukiHitsugaya: Oh you guys with the max level (((: I think you need to rearrange *hint hint* more space for purple gems...? :S


    THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HELPED! Looking forward to rearranging my habitarium..SOON. >____>

  12. Please, please, please, PLEAAAAAASE. I really need help.

    My Habi is out of control right now. I have 10 Nesters (for egg discarding rituals lol)

    And unknown number or Soldiers (I have a loooot!) and Workers (only few).


    Please, somebody kind out there? :sad02: With the same Habi as me....blossom meadows...please? Show me your layout..?

    Man how I don't like Blossom Meadows :shiftyeyes_anim: It's so messy. Grrr. Idk why I chose that though.




    My current Habi. Sad..sad..P3s... :sad01_anim:

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