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Posts posted by Oquendof

  1. I have my 4 pets painted, since a friend gave me a Jelly Cybunny I was able to paint my kyrii with the Fountain Faerie(I painted water) I got a Chomby on his day and Painted baby(Since was always my dream to have a baby chomby) and got a Desert Hissi Morphing Potion, Which I really love too, I spend my np now on codestones, not PB's lol

  2. The perks of being a wallflower


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    Am I the only one who misses the old battledome?




    Nope, I kind of miss it too. They could've tweaked the old graphics and left the old mechanics in there and not have to change as much as they did. It'd be nice to know why they did such a total overhaul.the art is nice at least. ;) As are the prizes and small amount of NP we get now.


    Yes,I want the trophys of the Defenders of neopia to come back, I was stuck because I dind't have Meuka, But now I have it,and I cant get the trophy :sad01_anim:

  4. I got an earth faerie today,Magic vial 2 defence points,and a Crafting bonus quest,Here in my country there's no NC cards So 2 Crafting bonus quest,1 earth,1 fire,1 battle,2 water,1 ligth,1dark,1 queen,.Still waiting for the Space and fountain We only have 1 week left :(

  5. The Battle Faerie appears before you. "Neopian, I need your aid. My spell lacks Acara Board Game."


    45 NP :D


    This should help our cause. The war is not yet won, but the battle turns in our favour.


    For your efforts, Mindgame's defence, strength, and health have increased!

    Cool!Thoes are great!! :))



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