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Posts posted by CrazyBiscuit

  1. I don't think it has anything to do with the acquisition. If anything were changed at all, it's possible that they decided to change the odds of bad / good outcomes because of The Coincidence being added however that is just wild speculation on my part and it's more than likely that the lab ray's performance is just down to luck.


    Speaking of which though, I had a bad lab ray today. Yesterday was okay, the day before that wasn't great, the day before that one was pretty good. Sometimes I get a lucky streak - I hope you'll get one soon after your run of bad zaps!

  2. That's such a sad situation to be in and my heart goes out to you and your dear kitties. :( I would be distraught if anyone took my pet away, or even just the thought of it maybe happening. I am glad that others around you are understanding but if the doctor's note would help I would echo what other people have said and try to get that in motion. It will be one less thing for you to feel anxious about in the future. Until then, I hope it all goes well for you and you get to be back with your companions again very soon.

  3. Azurablue, I hope you leave the thread open and don't leave for too long. I really doubt you've burnt any bridges, and you're entitled to your opinion as much as anyone else is.


    Frankly I'd be very annoyed if someone at a games store wanted to convince me to pick up a typical girly game. There's nothing wrong with those games if that's what you're in to, but it's insulting that they're more or less saying "I think you're confused about the game you want. This has racing, and shooting, and fighting - wouldn't you prefer to play dress-up or look at the pretty ponies, instead?" :rolleyes_anim:


    I'll admit to liking a few female-friendly games (marketed towards or equally) such as Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, and The Sims, but I also like Saints Row, Burnout, Pokemon, and various MMOs. I'm more likely to share my age than my gender on gaming websites (it does depend on the community though) because they can be downright toxic. I hope one day it will change and women won't feel they have to hide away or be told to prove themselves based on a hobby, but we're not quite there yet.


    Don't be discouraged though! In recent years there has been a slight shift in how gaming in general is viewed and now everyone else is beginning to realise that it's not just for teenage boys (something we've all known for years). There are a few websites out there that cater to female gamers specifically, and slowly more women are getting into game design. I think it will always be somewhat more male-dominated, but they'll just have to get used to us lady gamers... we're not going anywhere.


    After writing all that I realise the topic was about age rather than gender so I'll add that I'm nearly thirty and the majority of people that I know who play video games are my age or older. I can't imagine that I'd play on the Commodore 64, NES, SNES, and SEGA Genesis as a child, then the PC and various consoles as a teenager and in my twenties, but give up when I reach my thirties (or any age). If you like something then your age is just a number and no one has any right to say you should change. As for games marketed toward a certain age, I really think parents should make the decision whether their child should play a game or not based on their own opinion of the game rather than on a rating that most people tend to ignore anyway. If the parents aren't gamers themselves, they should supervise their child while they're playing. The graphics are much more realistic now and the gameplay much more in-depth so there's even more need for it, but when I was a kid that's what happened in my household. Finally, I'll just add that I'd play a game no matter what age or demographic it was for if it appealed to me. :)

  4. I've missed two days since the daily has been out, but for the ones I did I got nothing. I've had most of the items needed, but some I've had to buy. At least nothing negative has happened (other than a change in my bank balance!), but I think I'm out until they get the cancel button implemented. I like the idea of this daily, but some of the prices are still too unreasonable right now.

  5. I'm nearly thirty too, and I've been playing since I was in high school. There were a few years that I didn't play, and some days I don't play much, but in many ways I probably enjoy it more now than I used to. I think there was a time I might have been a bit embarrassed but by my mid-twenties I ended up realizing that it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks about my likes or dislikes and it's more childish for them to judge me for not sharing an interest with them.


    A few of my friends used to play, but they all stopped years ago. My mum never played, but I talk to her about it sometimes (my mum is cool). It's not a secret, but it doesn't tend to come up in conversation and if it did I wouldn't hide it.

  6. I can't find if someone has already posted this, so sorry if this is already known, but has anyone else noticed that if you click on the star background of the Map of Neopia, it takes you straight to The Coincidence?


    I didn't know this but it makes it easy to get back to. Thanks for mentioning it!


    Both yesterday and today left me with nothing. I spent a bit too much on it the first day, but only needed to spend 50NP on the second. I think it could be interesting, although I'll probably only use a lab pet. Who knows what else it's capable of doing. Seems like it could be fun though, if some of the prices become more reasonable.


    [Edit] I've just read that as well as reducing stats, other possible bad outcomes are taking away (up to) 800NPs, or removing a random item from your inventory. Try not to do this while you're holding onto anything valuable!

  7. I mentioned I was chosen to foster a female blue Shoyru in another thread, but now I've been chosen to foster another female blue Shoyru! She's called keytina, which is a rather pretty name.


    I have so many omelettes and jellies that it's no trouble for me to feed them. I have lots of toys too (I stated in the other thread that I couldn't play with them, but I was wrong about that). I'd be quite happy if Neopets let us foster all the time, perhaps as an opt-in considering some don't seem to like it. And if it is temporary, I've had fun!

  8. Thank you so so much. I really appreciate it. Would you like anything in return? :)


    What a lovely offer, thank you! Apart from the first day I've been exceptionally lucky with what I've been asked for so there's nothing I need. I do appreciate the thought though. :)


    I'll be sending out some things as I go through the last few pages of posts.


    [Edit] Sent Stagnant Puddle of Water x2 to zorna. Sent Suti Fruit x2 to Oganagey. Sent Stagnant Puddle of Water x3 to mary1994. Sent Stagnant Puddle of Water x3 to jtan93 in case they were still needed. Sent a Stagnant Puddle of Water to Kyra__Lynn. Sent Landfish x3 and a Yellow Growth to yinmary. Sent Stagnant Puddle of Water to zeriahlight.

  9. Not everyone is as good at drawing as you guys, so I hope you'll go easy on the new applicants. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Good luck everyone that's going up for it. Personally I could not keep to that level consistently, but I'm always super stoked when websites try out new things. It feels like only last year that TDN was considering making this place The Daily Egg Cave. Those were good times. :icecream:

  10. I need a Stagnant Puddle of Water, too. I just need one and I am finished with the quest!


    I'll send you one. I have so many of them!


    Wow, a ton of people ended up with Stagnant Puddles of Water today. I myself need to find 2 of them, and prices aren't looking too hot.


    I can send you two as well. :)


    [Edit] Sent! Also sent Linae Stamp x2 to zohnworl146.

  11. Does anybody have an extra: 1x toy pirate sword, 1x ummagine, and 2x moon and star stickies?


    Those items are really cheap at the moment, but I've sent them anyway. :)


    [Edit] Sent a Gelert in a Box to kjgymnatics19 in case they still needed it. Sent a Plushie Chomby Balloon to The First.

  12. Luckily for me I only needed to buy one thing today, and it cost me a grand total of 12np. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll able to complete this. When I'm on I can be around for a while, but usually I don't make it back again the same day. Oh well. In 11 hours or so I'll be able to get my 4th piece. We'll see how it goes, but I won't hold my breath. I sure hope the pieces don't repeat otherwise I'll not even have a chance.


    Despite knowing I probably won't be able to finish it, it pleased me to be able to help a few people yesterday when the prices for items were ridiculously high. Knowing I might have helped others move closer to completing their pieces makes up for maybe not being able to complete mine in time.

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