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Posts posted by Aloriality

  1. Indeed, the lag is really annoying, but I managed to get all the tasks done for today, Go Sway!! :D


    At first with one of the achievements the Dapper Dome, I was discouraged cuz they said I had to win with a hatted pet, and my BD pet is Mutant so like NO clothes fit him, but thankfully masks do.


    I'm surprised that it has been this long and TDN hasn't updated the war coverage page :P

  2. After a hiatus, my old account was frozen >.< Thankfully I had an aged side :D


    Though I want to change my forum username, cuz it's the same as my side... >.> is that possible?





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  3. I would love, if I may, to rant myself, in this thread, same topic.


    growing up, my only friend was Nicole, she taught me how to use my imagination, and well, in jr.high, when I was with her, she made me feel special, we were the Goddesses protecting the Earth, and she dubbed me at first Fonda-lee, caretaker of animals, but when her second in command, basically when a friend moved away, I was then dubbed Alora Diante.


    Since then I have done not well in life, but now, she has entered my life again, and she is hardcore Christian, saying we sinned, in our childhood using our imaginations, she says that's a sin, and she wants to 'fix' me from those days so I don't go to hell...


    Where did my imaginative friend go to? And she's really pushy too. I can't just meet up and say "hi" no, she's planned bible studies for me :/

  4. Ok, I have been talking to this guy, Josh, for a year or three now, he is in the US and he says he loves me. I'm in Canada, and my own home situation is another topic entirely. He and I do always tend to end up in fights over msn, though, and it could be over the stupidest little thing.


    Right now I am trying to work on myself. And I told him so, and he is all "oh I am so envious of you" I mean, envious of what? That I am working on not drinking because I am an alcoholic, but, if I talk to him about things like self-esteem or self-respect, he is all "Don't give me your rebah"


    Ok, I am 31, at least until the 22, he is he 32, so he's older >P


    I try to tell him that I am trying to work on myself, my own life, I am not exactly living all happy-go-lucky kinda lifestyle. and neither is he, and his own mother is a counceller, but he complains to me about how she doesn't wash dishes or stuff, umm, she's off at work, while HE is at home, doing nothing but typing away on the keyboard telling people how useless he is. and even, how useless his mom is because she doesn't clean up after making him dinner, even though she worked full time and does this to please him, I think she's a numbnuts too.


    But this guy, I talk to him, and I try and help, but it's in one ear out the other, I have had ok, even wonderful days, till I start msn with him.. my own parents know when I have talked with him, cuz it's always fights.


    That is why I am keeping this as separate topic from my own real life situations. Cuz he is online. and there is only so much I can type.



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  5. well this is an old friend from before my old account was hacked and frozen, so he has lots of sends.


    Me restarting, I have two, I just didn't want to like, take his pet and loose a transfer of mine, I am about to join a chain for avatar in the lending here on TDN, but I only have two, so I wanna be sure I can

  6. I just downloaded it, watching, not far in, I thought Hugh Jackman would fail, but he does a LOT better than Russel Crowe


    BTW, anyone else notice that the Bishop is played by Colm Wilkinson?Edit-I'll read and reply to your post rebecca, when I'm finished watching


    ok, it HAD a chance, but at Confrontation... failed...


    I will always be a broadway lover, and well, after that, the rest is going to hurt, lucky I bought a case of beer today. I will finish, if i like it or not



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  7. Ok, I started learning broadway at a VERY young age, at grade 5, in music class we studied a song or two from Phantom of the Opera, and I KNEW the lyrics, I just didn't let anyone know, cuz well, I was teased a lot back then.


    Anyway, needless to say, I learned Les Miserables early too. And since then, It has been my 2nd fav musical of all time. I have recorded the Complete Symphonic Recording from cassette tapes I took out from the library, more than once, and found them at a music store for like $70, so my dad bought me the official cassettes.


    I have the CD set too (I actually have 2 copies of it), the 'Original French Concept Album', and even the entire score to the Japanese version-I'm an anime fan (for those who are interested, the guy from the original Japanese Iron Chef, Chairman Koga, plays Jean ValJean on the Japanese album)


    Anywho, so out of all that, it's always been one voice I have related to each character. ValJean-Colm Wikinson, Javert-Phillip Quast, etc, (not going to list the full cast here)


    I was upset when I heart about movie-musical, sure Phantom did ok, but Le Miz...? Hugh Jackman... I have heard him before, HATE his voice, Russell Crowe... all I think of him is some painted on muscled roman guy. I haven't even looked into the other casting.


    So for those who have seen it, and not just, out of the blue, but I mean REAL Le Miz fans, who saw it on stage, know the score, or a song or two at least, before going in, how was it?


    Was the movie a good idea?


    Or should this stay on Broadway?

  8. I had to restart after taking a break and realizing my old like 14 year old account was hacked and neopets refused to give it back to me.


    But I still had a side, and it's not very old, I only have two pet transfers per month. So I wanted to know a few things.


    if someone transfers a pet to me and I adopt, does it count as one of my two/month trades?

    if someone initiates a pet exchange, does that count as one of my two/month trades?


    I forgot that younger accounts are more limited, so, I dunno, I transferred to a new side I made, so that means I have 1 left for this month, a friend has a pet willing to exchange for avatar because I picked up an avatar pet from the pound. So, if he initiates the exchange, to exchange an orange grundo for a snow pet I have, will that count as one of my exchanges? because I want to give him the grundo back.


    Does this all make sense?

  9. oo, thank you, this will help me now. I can't do a lot of transfers since I had to start fresh and only have 2 transfers per monthEDIT= umm, how do I use this site? I noticed one that on the side said sick, I clicked on it, and it opened a new window of the pet, it didn't say what the pet was sick from, unless I'm looking at it wrong...

  10. that would sound great than if I actually bought them myself, cuz I wouldn't know what to do with them. Like, set up some trades and I pay 90np per trade? I'd like to give them back though, because I won't need them anymore after I get the av. Neomail me, I'm on really often, more often there than I am on the forums

  11. I wasn't going to sell my NP, offering I had them for av trade o_O I think I two windows open and the time and on the phone, so probably added that to the wrong thread


    Anyway about the Nabile plushie, I got your neomail, but said I had to be your friend to reply, and then again, said you aren't accepting neofriends, so I dunno friend me. I'll send you a PM here too

  12. I myself would like to buy your Nabile Plushie. I collected plushes ages ago, they are in the SDB atm, but more has been released since I started a couple years ago, and I used to use Nabile as an avatar, for a looooooooong time.


    What price would you be asking for it? I don't have a lot, I spent all my NPs on a Draik egg recently, but maybe a trade for an item in my gallery? or pet transfer for draik and meowclops av. let me know via neomail. I'm not on the forums very often

  13. Thank you!!! it took some clicking around, but I got through it.


    Here we go!! :D http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Hijitaka_Toshiro


    Character names from Gintama, anime.


    Again, I thank you all for your help. You know how everyone has a dreamie? This was mine, especially with the Meowclops. I am so happy. ^^


    On a side note, Kaie, your avatar and such looks like square game art, you know, the characters and the videos in games such as Final Fantasy, I don't remember the artists name. But if it is from a game, which is it?

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