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Posts posted by Aloriality

  1. I have a lot of items in there, I did post once on the boards at neopets but I got some message from TNT saying my post wasn't... I dunno, right >.>


    I mean, I'm saying, say what you want, in general, and if I have it, I open up a trade and share, for like, the price of a jelly or omlette.


    I gave away snowglobes to someone collecting and a few of them were retired from advent calendar that I just happened to have.


    Anywho, I do have a lot of stuff, so try me, send me a neomail and chances are there is at least one item you would be interested in.

  2. Graphic: Sig

    Text: None, really

    Additional Text (optional): Still none...

    Name: Swords

    Image(s): Two swords side by side, a japanese sword (Katagana) and a medieval one (Broad Sword). like this





    To match my sig quote

  3. I give kudos to TDN for saying they are working on these lists. I'm sure they know what they are doing and will be more than happy to share once it's up.


    I love the avatar part of the site, because it creates a list of what you have, so you don't repeat it. I'm sure stamps and books will be well worth the wait!!


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  4. For pet lending, I am not sure the status of the lists. Everything on the lending site says 'pending', for the next month. What about the status of the current month?


    I don't mean to be picky, but it would be nice to have a bit more detail, as in, people currently in the chain, estimated wait time when joining a chain.


    I've done a couple successful avatar lending's from the site, with items, but looking for the pet part now.


    I have Meowy, but he is my most prized possession. I am willing to share, though, along with a few other items. I would like to be in a pet lending chain or two as my Meowy is painted, so probably a bit more in collateral then a regular Meowclops.

  5. I am Canadian, so my version of this holiday was last month, still thanksgiving though.


    two turkeys in two months in a row is too much for me, ya know, with the Christmas dinner and all, wow, many peiple get involved, others say, it's just a day off work.


    If it actually MEANS something, I would like to know, cuz here, it's just a day to cook turkey. Course that could be my family

  6. Ahh, thank you. I was upset thinking I had missed something awesome, like having my Hissi turned to a baby, which happened, and I love him even more now ^^ Though he is on vacation on my pet holding spare account lol



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  7. Why thank you Sweetdang ^^ I used to do a lot of avatar making, even animated ones due to a chat room i was part of and I supplied a lot of free custom made graphics. The picture itself is full credit to an artist friend of mine who created it based on a character I was writing about, here's a larger version of the image itself alora_char.jpg Pure digital art! She was amazing!!


    Also reminds me I should make a new one scaled to 90x90, the 75x75 pixels make it look all fuzzy :O Be warned, I might even change avatars frequently. It usually depends on my moods for the day/week/month lol. I just love art ^^


    Unfortunately I have fallen out of touch with her over the years ;.; I will find her again, when the time is right, she promised to do the cover art for my first novel ^^


    About the quote, it has been a favourite of mine for a long time now, i believe I saw it in a Korean or Japanese drama I was watching at the time. Of course the subtitles were rather literal, so it wasn't said in that exact way, but I phrased it a bit different myself. I can't remember exactly where it was from though. I'm currently working on a signature image to match it, but awaiting on a friend to aid with some photos of his swords so I can tinker around.



    And thanks for the snowflake loan Spritzie ^^ I know exactly how you feel about missing out on some of the plot things and feeling lost. But apparently I've adapted to it now lol ^^ TDN has aided tremendously, so thanks to everyone for the site and forums! Great job ^^


    Edit-updated my avatar lol I'm so picky about some things

  8. I do agree with those who have stated that you might come back, I've taken many times off myself, and still 10 years going.


    Although my current wasn't my first account, I bet I could still rock a game from the graveyard.


    Anywho, don't sell your stuff off, you earned it, so keep it, unless you are ok coming back all new and fresh. I have quit and rejoined many games in my time, I know how good it feels to still have something in the chance of a return. And how good it felt to give it all away on leaving, but how bad it felt on starting from the beginning. (Trying for the world record on longest run-on sentence there) ^_~

  9. I was both interested and turned off by the facebook login. I mean, at first I didn't want to go for it, but then thought, what if some of my friends played and I didn't know and facebook could show me, and then I thought about some people I have as facebook friends and thought... ummm no. But I did give it a try and I kept getting errors with the connecting to facebook, and now I'm glad.

  10. I have been wondering such myself, about the game list.


    I know that when you look at the progress section you see that over the next week these 'daily challenges' will be more than one, so I agree with Xepha about the game list meaning the qualifying games,


    or, as today, they said score ??? with a hint. Neopets has LOTS of games, I'm pretty sure the 'qualifying' games are the ones that you can do that challenge.


    And the fact that they have SOOOO many games listed, I am not sure what is planned on the complete/incomplete, but hey, I've got the time and a chance to try out some games I never thought I'd try. Who knows, maybe there's a special reward at the end of the contest

  11. Thank you for the kind and warm welcome ladies... and Neomysterion lol


    Yes I am a bit older, but times 2, I'm 30 (31 in Jan) but hey, I never grew up. One thing you realize as you age, you tend to feel the same one year as to the next, like "what's so different?"


    I do tend to be a bit on the motherly side and assisting with real life issues, I am hoping to get into therapy. (Teaching.. lol) so I enjoy giving advice, not s


    As I said, I would like to make a contribution as best I can, I know I only just joined up, but I'm pretty eager to get some stuffs done! lol I'm the 'productive type'

  12. Greetings everyone. I have been bopping around Neopets for 10 years now, and would at times, look around online for helpful websites with tips and tricks to get where you wanna be on Neopets. TDN has been a familiar site for me during my past.


    However, Neopets has also become a lot more engaged, new game styles, story lines, events and a whole list of new goodies to engage their members. Goals to reach, advances to push for. And I have been finding myself more involved, and TDN site has been a HUGE aid in teaching an ol' gal like me the new tricks. Not only that, but I have gained more knowledge about this world, the characters, the games-it's a real inspiration for me to keep coming back and challenging myself with something new, or improve from the day before.


    And so, here I am, on the forums here. I will work to be as active as I can, I am definitely one who enjoys helping others out, so perhaps I may be of assistance with some things as well. Paying it forward. ^^


    Glad to finally get myself out here to you all and willing to help as much as I can.

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