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Posts posted by Aloriality

  1. Ok, next question, how do I change the site language? I've checked through the basic profile and editing stuff... also, it would be nice if someone could be rather specific, cuz I'd like to be able to change the site language back to english, and I don't read chinese (or speak it lol)

  2. Hey, I finally saved up and spent all my NPs on a Pirate Draik Egg, I hatched it, and I wanted to attach my pirate Meowclops to him, but all I get is "Arrgg, get that pirate meowclops away from me"


    Is there any way i can attach them? I mean, I wanted them as a set, together, but my pet is rejecting him. I've never had this before...


    Any help?

  3. Hi, everyone so i was playing some games on kongregate which is one of my favourite websites for flash games and earning the new achievemnents on it and i started thinking wouldn't it be good if they started adding achievments for games on neopets not offering any rewards for them other then bragging.


    I say this because if you look every gameservice is getting achievments/trophies/badges and it gets more people to play the games gives you somethign to aim for and in mypersonal opinion makes you better at the games plus for challenge whores liek myself it gives us somethingelse to become addicted to.


    i know they have the highscore tables but thats not really the same thing and i just think it would add a little extra to the games without any downsides (that i can think of)



    I know this thread as turned all Habi, but that wasn't the original questioned ask, it was in general.


    I workd my but off to get higher scores over and over for new trophies, and I admit a could I really did fluke on, for a high score, but thing is, someone else topped mine before I could even up my own game.


    You know how mean some people can be? some don't even let you into their guild unless you have like 230+ avatars and 3 rows of gold trophies, and that is just wrong, rude and mean. I sat at my avatar state for a long time, look at my account, i've been on 10 1/2 years, and all they want to do is compaire stats, I only got my avatars and trophies because my parents bought me a new computer, and nothing for themselves or each other this xmas. I told them to take the comp back, that we needed the money more, they wouldn't let me, this comp was a gift... I should treaure it.

  4. Ya, i was going to submit a comment on this on neopets, I've sent in a few comments, thing is, it's up to the people votes as to who wins, and I always lost, is it bad to advertise my own quote here, once it's accepted, and ask you all to vote on my quoute?

  5. Alrighty, I got that figured out now lo. Sorry I'm so impatient. it didn't even occour to me about usernames wanting be be private.. I don't know why. Just want to be sure things all run smoothly, thanks for clearing this up ^^

  6. yesterday (well Monday) I adopted a Red Cybunny named Random_Randy. I totally knew how to customize him! Purple Cybunny PJs and a random rainbowly background. Only time I knew what to do with the customization


    Also, in looking through the pound for a zap pet, I came across m00ncat, It's a crazy name I know, and a Peophin >.> but an old friend I used to chat with went by the name of m00nbeast, so the zeros were great by me, plus I LOVE in penguins of madagascar when they meet mooncat, and they way they say it, is not just moon, but mooooooooon, so the 0's work ^^ Hey, it's a personal thing I guess

  7. I was wondering if there was any way to tell which chain(s) you were accepted into, if they are running, and when abouts will said pet be transfered and such. The Neomail I recieved only said I was accepted into two chains, but not the third because I don't have enough posts here (I don't spam to build posts, that's probably why)


    Now, since my application, some things have come up, and I can't remember which I applied for, is there any way to have some sort of chart saying which chains and who? As far as I can tell, I was accepted into two chains, I dont know if they are running (have 5 people asked to join) or any of the more precise details.


    I'm not complaining about how things are done, I'm mostly asking to have things clarified, just that I stated I could gain from all of the APL chains, and then told I was accepted for two, but not the draik one, I don't know which I was accepted into. It's a bit confuzzling, I mean, I want to be ready and have things all done right when they happen, but waiting around and not knowing is a bit discouraging.

  8. Thanks, I'm just starting to get things going (after 10 1/2 years old account lol) I would hate to be frozen


    also, would be ok to train fishing on my side account?



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  9. Hello, I'm interested in playing around with my userlookup and petpages, I am familiar with html, however most of my expertise is with frames and image slices, I'm guessing that neopets uses tables for coding.


    Anywho, I'm looking for any tutorials, tips, tricks etc, for creating my own pages. From the simple stuff (it's been years since I've actually done any coding) to more advanced things. I am familiar with photoshop as well, but again, not an expert.


    Anyone know of any pages that has these kind of tips and such? I'm not looking for premades, unless they also offer assistance in creating your own (seeing how it's done and fits together is the best way I learn)


    And also, why isn't there any pages about this stuff on TDN help pages? I think it would be a great addition.


    Thanks in advance, let's hope I can whip up something magical ^^

  10. Ok, so I used to have a Plushie gallery, but I stopped collecting


    Anywho, tis the season, so make your requests for specific plushies. If I have, I'll send to you.


    This will be first post, first sent, kind of deal, so put in your request asap.


    I don't have a super amazing collection to give away, but pretty decent, I would say.


    Also, this isn't just plushies, I have a large list of items labeled 'toys' in the SDB, so I have action figures and well and toys in general.

  11. Ok, my laptop died very shortly after I posted, I had planned to be active with replies and stuff, but I had to wait and have little lappy fixed.


    So now I am going to start looking and sending stuff. those that I have multiple to share I will post a trade and neomail you the trade post URL link thingie.


    I have noticed a lot of requests for plushies and books, both are items I used to collect myself, so the general items I will be posting in trade without sending specific neomails. Most likely i will put in 10 items, so it will be a whole 'lot'. You can make an offer and if that lot has one or two items you already have, then please send them back so I can add them to a fresh lot for someone who might not have that specific item.


    Anywho, when i set up a mixed random lot, I will post the URL here so that all who asked have a fair chance of receiving.


    oooh, free stuffies :D


    anyways, I'm collecting chocolate items, meepit items, any wearable you have :) (you can always use them for SOMETHING :D), toys, books, everything :D

    so if you want to get rid of something, i'm always willing to accept them, because i'm a REAL packrat, and I love EVERYTHING :D


    so if you've got something for me, i'd love it (just not 13, so no neomails :'( )


    Chocolate items in TP, access through my account info page thinger


    Ok, going through this all..


    For those wanting plushies and books, I can't do randoms, I have too much.


    More specific would be great. Going to start separate thread for plushies, since I have so much.


    The books, well, those will have to wait for a while.


    Also i have already recieved offers and I have a horrible memory, so if I make a TP for you, please also send either a reply to my own mail or add me as friend so I know the right offer to accept.


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