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Jess Is Somewhere Else

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Posts posted by Jess Is Somewhere Else

  1. ^I agree, but would just like to add one more point. Saying that gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt because children raised by gay parents might be bullied is like saying: children with glasses should not be allowed to wear them since they might get bullied, parents who are poor should not be allowed to conceive (because of potential bullying of their offspring), and children shouldn't be raised by single-parents, grandparents, relatives or adoptive parents either, for the same reason. It's ludicrous.


    It's the bullying that is the problem, not gay parents.


    But here in Canada, I find that the majority of people agree that witholding rights from the LGBT community is ludicrous.


    You're right about that. It's just that I get bullied lots and people make fun of thngs like that. No matter how much you try, they will never truly understand that it doesn't matter about the person's life, it's their personality that counts.

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