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Jess Is Somewhere Else

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Posts posted by Jess Is Somewhere Else

  1. Another thing I hate is how most women who had jobs and were independant in the past weren't married, because if they were married, they had to do whatever their husbands told them. And back in the past, if you weren't married, it meant you didn't have children because of something I can't say. So most people associate having children with having to be married. And then the women had to look after them, and as I said before, the men only cared about boys, they only wanted sons to take their stuff when they were gone.

  2. I'm not good at PE. I don't have a lot of friends, so I'm not good with working with others. And I don't get to do lots when in ball games like football. And then I just can't be bothered. Also, I think it's embarrassing, especially how my PE jumper is a bit too small (Mum STILL hasn't gotten me a new one) and I have to pull it down so I won't look silly showing my trousers up at my waist. And how the jumper sort of folds over, it's hard to describe. Also, it's at the end of the day, and I want to get home sooner, so I end up in a rush to get changed and try and fit everything in my bag. I'm dreading year 11 when I'll have to do that last thing on a Friday. And I'll have three lessons of Music before then, like I do now, so I'll enjoy the morning, but not want to have the afternoon.

  3. When my brother and sister come upstairs and start playing when I want to listen to my music on my own. I have to share my room with my sister, you can imagine how that feels. :tired:


    I also hate being teased and made fun of by people who are clearly younger than me.


    And being shouted at and told what I "will not" do. :angry:

  4. My Mum told me she's make me a gothic looking dress, but then she let me down and got a black see-through skirt, a purple scarf with webs on, and a hairband with light purple hair on it, the shade I want to dye my hair. They're all cheap stuff that she won't even get to see me wear, because I'm at school that day and then when I get home, she has to go to work until late. I'm keeping the thin scarf, it looks alright, but Mum promised she'd make a dress for me next year.

  5. It's my week off school this week. I have to go back in Monday, though, while my brother and sister get not only that day off but Tuesday as well! :angry: Normally I don't like being off at the same time as them, but I don't feel like going back to school, it's such hard work, and I have PE on Monday! I hate PE!

  6. I'm against abortion, but I learned that sometimes, parents find that their unborn child has a disease or condition that would be hard for them, and so they decide not to bring up a child that will have difficulties in life like not being able to move well, cope well, or being bullied by others. Or it could be to do with the body as well, and having to have lots of treatments of take lots of stuff to help them.

  7. I hate men being sexist against women, like expecting us to stay at home and cook. The media still stereotype women as "housewives"! :grrr:


    Yes, I hate that too. At home, my Stepdad doesn't work, but that's because he has to look after us while Mum works. Maybe he'll start working again when we're all old enough to do things ourselves. A thing I really hate is how back in the past, women were expected to marry and bring up sons for the men they married. The men only wanted boys, not girls. Even in royalty, the kings have always wanted sons to become the king, and weren't interested in daughters.

  8. I think it's the people's choice to marry whoever they like (as long as they're not with someone else) and not anyone else's. And it would be strange for adopted children to be brought up by two mums or two dads, but they would understand when they're older and can make their own choice who they like. However, they might get teased and bullied by other people with parents that are each the opposite gender.

  9. It's just that I'm always just a little bit over 200 on the height. I can get the width fine. On another forum I go on, the size can't be bigger than 450x200. Oh here, the width is bigger, but it's the height I have problems with.

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