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Jess Is Somewhere Else

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Posts posted by Jess Is Somewhere Else

  1. Granted, but it translates to just numbers, like this:5645756863582876966624564366666346633333374574587777777354365477777733334574538268769


    I wish my Mum wasn't working late tonight or tomorrow night.l

  2. So I got in this agruement and the computer was only part of it. It was while I was at my Dad's where I spend a LOT of time on it. But we went out to my Gran's to see fireworks, and I got upset cause it was late and I wanted to go to bed. Then the next day, Dad said he was going to take me home at about 11, when the previous night, his friend said I could leave in the afternoon if I wanted. And also, we had to get the bus to get that car, and I didn't want to be with Dad on my own. And I told his friend about the his plan, to hopefully avoid arguement, but it ended up like that anyway.


    So I eneded up going with Dad at about 1 in the afternoon, and I hope when I got home that Mum wouldn't be cross with me, or stop me from using th computer at my Dad's. She went out as I came back, but when she came back, she did exactly as I feared. SO I WILL NO LONGER HAVE MY FNCT! I am so sad now, and I know I'm selfish, but it's hard to think of others when I have my own problems. :sad02:

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