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Posts posted by Kaana

  1. Assuming it's not a 2p thing, I'm just wondering if the fights are going to go towards anything other than boons? Like, extra prize shop points or upgrading to a better trophy or something?


    I went with the Order again but I'm not really sure how much I'll be participating - it'll depend on what I'm fighting for, I suppose.

  2. Anyone else not able to buy any prizes? I've clicked on a prize twice now and said yes to buying it but it hasn't taken my points away or added it to my inventory. . . :(


    That was happening to me too. I realised my inventory had over 50 items in it, so I'm thinking that might be the problem? I haven't tried again yet, but if not I guess just submit a ticket.


    EDIT: Wha - saw a shadow pb going for 550k, ditto for a rock. If I had a whole bunch of plot points, idk if I'd be going for the high ticket items right now.


    EDIT2: Emptied my inventory to below 50 and the prize shop worked just fine.

  3. Yes, you do get a neomail from TNT when you've submitted a story. As far as I'm aware you'll get one of three, the gist being: "Sorry, we don't think this is what we want to put into the NT", "Congratulations, your story will appear in an upcoming issue" or "your story is being held for a future issue".


    In the first case it's usually either because the spelling/grammar needs work or the topic isn't ok - e.g. they won't usually publish stories with Neopets going to Earth, or stories with romantic plots.


    Good luck with your entry!

  4. (Apologies for any incoherence, it's pretty late here)


    Essentially, everything I could say has been said by Anime, re:this thread's topic as stated by the OP. I also agree with everything said by bubbleline.


    Feminism is still needed by society and we have a long way to go before we reach actual equality. White males are still the most privileged group in society and most everything they aren't "allowed" to do is because it's seen as associated with non-male or non-white culture and ideology - i.e. the man is wrong because he is choosing to adopt an inferior behaviour/attitude/whatever. This is of course nonsense but it is subtly reinforced every day, sometimes by things we don't realise are reinforcing these ideas.

  5. Yeah, you pretty much stay off the NeoBoards unless you know intimately that area of Neopets. Have you seen the PC and NC chat? Brutal if you don't know the conventions.


    Board 7 (the Obelisk one atm) seems to be the only consistently nice one; I guess because it's hard to be clique-y on a board that isn't always there.

  6. I didn't get any casks today. Also, what happened was I stopped getting items for a couple of fights and then the fight after that I got a prize.

    That happened to me as well... although the message wasn't the "you have capped the amount of items you're allowed" - this one said to try again and I might get a prize, then I did? I am not sure.


    Only a few fights count per wave? That's... disappointing and good? On the one hand, it would be nice to fight every day, on the other, that would get time consuming quickly, especially with the bigger challengers.


    I like the sway xweetok, I just find her amusing.

  7. Also, I've completed 40 fights but my "doing your part" bar still wasn't full. So then I kept going untill i won 40 battles, but it's still stuck somewhere in the middle. Does anyone have the same problem?



    What difficulty are you choosing when battling? Could be that it gives a different amount of points depending on difficulty.

    I didn't notice the bar until mine was nearly full, so I'm not sure myself.


    As far as I'm aware, it works on a points system, lowest difficulty being 1 point, medium being 2 and hardest being 3. Today you could earn a maximum of 120 points for your team - 40 hard battles, 120 easy battles, 60 medium battles, or a combination of the three. I did 2 easy battles, then 1 medium and then 39 hard battles (because I hadn't used the new 'dome yet), so I theoretically got 121 points, but I'm fairly certain that extra point wouldn't have counted.

  8. I am completely feeling you with the school work. I'm in my last year and - ugh. But, it's also taught me the importance of pacing myself and the value of relax time.


    So, yeah. Keep coming if you want, no stress if you don't, come back as many times as necessary :3 It's good to see you around.

  9. When Thyora's Tear was 50mil, you could get about 17k interest a day assuming your bank account was as high as it could go - that is, enough to buy one or two thick smoke bombs a day. If you were planning on battling many times a day, Thyora's Tear actually worked out better. Even now, at 23k a day for 70mil in the bank, you're only getting 2-4 bombs a day. If you're planning to cap challengers in the plot, Tear might be better. For maximum profit, I would say probably selling when the last, really really tough challengers are released - of course, you may not have time to fight them yourself then. However, I would expect a heavy decrease in the price of Thyora's Tear after the plot.

  10. Better F.A.Q.s. I tend to find that they'll answer some questions, but not in depth enough or they'll be noob-level questions. "How do I activate [NC mall pack]?" versus "Do I get to choose whether I use the Meepit 'stache power ups before or after I pick the screen?"; while most packs are activated the same way (from what I can tell?), the second question is important if you're on a budget. Yet, only the first is in the F.A.Q.


    Also an updated, easy to understand rules and general F.A.Q. page. I would also link to this page that the top of every editorial, with something like "check if your question has been answered here before sending it in!"

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