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Naamah D.

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Status Updates posted by Naamah D.

  1. "A candle is lit, I see through her..."

  2. I don't think I can survive another week of school :(

  3. "I'm taking a ride with my best friend. I hope he never let's me down again.Promises me I'm safe as houses. As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers. I'm taking a ride with my best friend."

  4. I adopted a lovely little JubJub<3

  5. O, Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum...Froeliche Weinachten.

  6. You're rating was 4 stars you deserved 5! Happy holidays Anime:)

  7. Had cookies and Coca Cola for here breakfast today. Gotta love a good soda every now and then:)

    1. Baixinha


      Nice. You are SO LUCKY to have everything you do.

      P.S try dressing like your grandma and see how you like it.

  8. Got my heart broken by a celebrity crush. "Don't go breakin my heart! Baby you're not that kiiiinnnddd!!!!" That was uncalled for.

  9. Check out my video games blog!

  10. Well it's true , friendships IS magic xD

  11. Just hooked a Nintendo 64 up in my room. I had no clue Lickitungs were so fond of sushi D:

  12. Treated myself to a Neocash card this evening. My beautiful Kougra and I played Wonderclaw:)

  13. Candy corn, Drake and Josh, and my PSP...yes, yesterday was the perfect afternoon

  14. Finally I take off that terrible costume!

  15. I want YOU to join the DFA(Deuce Fan Girl Alliance)

  16. Thank you! I'm glad to see people appreciate older music like David Bowie.

  17. Name change!

    1. Sakabato


      It's quite random, I say!

  18. Finished her bag of black licorice and now wants pumpkin bread with apple cider

  19. Now has an IcePet! His name is Alix and he is a blue Makoat.

  20. Has alot of time on her hands. Seriously, I played my Gameboy SP just for the nostalgia.

    1. khaos


      I have a Gameboy Advamce SP. I played that only to find out that the R, A, B, D-Pad, and L buttons only work half the time.

    2. Naamah D.

      Naamah D.

      I have a gameboy color, pocket, avanced and sp, they're all going strong.

    3. khaos


      Gameboy Advance SP and that's it. I have a DS Lite, Wii, GameCube, and soon a PS2. :D


  21. Has an awesome new friend and school:)

  22. First day of school tommorow. Nervous as heck. Wish me luck!

    1. khaos


      Only tommorrow? My cousin started on the first of august O.O

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