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Naamah D.

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Everything posted by Naamah D.

  1. This is a thread to post your latest real life purchases. It can be anything from video games to huge clothes shopping sprees. I bought new pajamas and clothes recently.
  2. I started wearing makeup when I was in eighth grade. I think 14 and up makeup should be allowed. One of my reasons behind this is what if the teen has acne? Would the parents rather let them wear concealer or let them be called names like pizza face? I know, I know the whole beauty comes from within thing is important but come on! Or what about if they have a unibrow and the mom says "your eyebrows are beautiful" and doesn't let them wax? Basically, that's setting the kid up for bullying and depression. If I was a mom and saw my kid go through what I went through in school I'd let her wear what makeup I wear. That's the fair thing to do.
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