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Posts posted by Dillon

  1. Hi guys,


    Thank you so much for your support. I appreciate it a lot! I'll be leaving to the airport in a few hours. I'm doing "better" and right now I just have to take care of my family. It was so hard to find a flight, but my neighbour who has contacts with airlines was able to find us a spot.


    I'll be returning in a few days and unfortunately, I have to miss 2 days of school, but it should be fine.


    See ya in a few days guys and behave! Love you all!

    That good ellie.


    See ya in a few days.


    jeez make me work behaving is a challenge. =/

  2. Im so sorry Ellie. I give my condolences to you and your family.


    One of my friends Grandma Has hissi Cancer and Her Friend has Lukemia? SP? So I can feel for ya.

    Well be here for you WE LOVE YOU! (as a family)

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