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Posts posted by Dillon

  1. DILLON! *tosses confetti in the air*


    Welcome Back!



    Welocme back Neorune! It so great to see you! =D



    you want that expression O.o?

    Sure that works... except my name is Secre.. well actually dillon. XD


    Dillon! Great to have you back, buddy!

    I am terribly sorry about your account. TNT is a little, well, off balance when it come to freezing accounts and such.

    Look, if you need help in any way to restore your new account like your old one, just give me a call. :)

    Awww thanks Meeptroid. but i dont know ...


    Welcome back! It's always good to see someone come back.


    I'm sorry about your account. I lost a lot with mine too. =/

    Yeah i know. You losted a lab map! and thanks


    That too bad! Tell the staff about this! this is injustice! They have no right to accuse you!

    I did and still waiting for a response


    It seems somebody in TNT is a little trigger-happy...


    Welcome back anyway Dillon! (see, you are welcome :D )

    Yeah they are.

    and i am soo happy to be welcomed back


    Welcome back Dillon!


    I don't think you know me, but I know you. I'm Tom also known as DJ. It's a pity about your accounts, TNT are known for wrongly freezing people and I suppose you just got unlucky. Oh well, welcome back!


    I vaguley remember you and glad t see ya welcoming me and stuff




    To all Thanks for the welcome and condolences...


    my strike is over and if i want to start again it wont be for like 2 more weeks. XD

  2. Dear Samuel

    Sorry to see you go. Even though i have left i need to say good bye! Good luck in life. Have fun and good fortune in life. You were a good tdn staffer although i didnt see you much. Well good bye. So long farewell the german word from the sound of music. Hope to chat online some thime.

    ~Dillon (the person to get suspended there first week of membership ;) )

  3. Creativity: 10/10

    It was very creative and what not

    Humor: 5/10

    not that funny. Seriously the only funny part was the FM thing

    Originality 10/10

    Nuff said

    Graphics: 1/10

    Poorly drawn and were pretty point less. Real emoticons would have upped it.

    Relevance to User: 6/10 not to relevant but made it know that it was about zac.

    I'd rate this a c-.


  4. Can you rephrase that question? I didn't quite understand, what was your idea/suggestion.


    Welcome to November everyone! I got the Halloween Sidebar! *does a dance*

    I GOT THE SIDEBAR TOO! *doesnt dance on xepha* Hmmmm Im gonna wait to get my freebies.

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