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Posts posted by Dillon

  1. Ho hum. I still need to find a way to get into my other account that requires a somewhat dumb "enter your birthday" thing. See everyone, that it why you should never rush a new account by adding any old birthday date. -_-

    Metroid have you tried entering with out your birthday? My current account it took me like 6 days.

  2. It depends on what pie we're talking about, desert is Apple Pie

    But for main dinner, either Shepard pie or Chicken and Mushroom pie


    Though sadly enough, Bad news, I'll be leaving TDN next June :( :( (I may have some visits, depends on the connection).

    Though its gonna be Way loads of FUN!!

    Awwww bye Vivi. Well not now but you get it. Good luck.

    I never had Shepard Pie.

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