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Status Updates posted by wistiria12

  1. psst.javi.psst i've signed up jellyneo,like a month ago LOL

  2. What's better than enjoying a hot summer day with ice cream

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. khaos


      great, now i have TWO people like me. meh =\

    3. wistiria12


      you mean like as a friend,right?

    4. khaos


      i meant 2 people are similar to me, your friend(from your description) and some other person in my offline life.

  3. WOW that is a very impressive weapon.I was going to get it but i wasted all my points for wearables LOL

  4. yeah sure why not ;)

    important:sorry about the fan its my secret weapon,really.maybe in our next battle you should get your one secret weapon.

    thank you soo much

  5. Yay,i got my vey first battle hooray!!! 8D

    1. khaos


      same for me. ;)

    2. wistiria12


      yeah because i battled with you,how silly of me :P

    3. khaos


      exactly! :D

  6. i don't care if i won or you lose the important thing is that we got are first battle

  7. hey javi we finish are battle

  8. i'm sorery javi

  9. ok its 10am(nst),but right now is actually 1:54pm.i wish that time would go a little faster today

    1. wistiria12


      they should fix that clock,really

    2. khaos


      for me too, guess we have the same time zones. TNT is located in a part of the world where NST is their time.

  10. wow,i got 16k...with just 10 games of yooyuball,10 of slushie slinger,12 game of make some noise and 12 games of shootout showdown,sweet 8D

    1. wistiria12


      ...even thought i hate playing slushie slinger

    2. khaos


      i kinda do, but just play short games of SS, don't go all the way.

  11. hey javi,how is time in your timezone cuz today is our battle remember?

  12. Posting as much as i can to be a supermember.*post* *refresh* *post* *refresh* *post*

    1. khaos


      me too, at 300 i think :D

  13. Sweet,i got straight A+ on all my classes and my dad bought me an MP3 player as a reward.Who knew that being so smart can be so rewarding

    1. khaos


      :O lucky.i got presidential award (in US, so... yeah) and it was signed by the president. 8D I'm getting a video game for that :D! congrats on your MP3!

    2. khaos


      :O lucky.i got presidential award (in US, so... yeah) and it was signed by the president. 8D I'm getting a video game for that :D! congrats on your MP3!

    3. khaos


      Actually, i got 3 video games. :D

  14. Hmm...I didn't win the art gallery.Oh well better luck next time *sigh*

    1. wistiria12


      if you wondering what it looks like see it with this link.What a bad drawing i did


    2. khaos


      looks very good! better than i could draw x_x

    3. phyxius_on


      I think it looks great. I am a terrible artist, kudos to you, sorry you didn't win

  15. yes,the altador cup sign ups are finally here YAHOOO :D

    1. khaos


      who'd you join? i joined shenkuu.


    2. wistiria12
    3. khaos


      They WILL win.

  16. I just entered the Art gallery contest on neopets.I hope i could win

    1. Spritzie


      Good luck!

    2. phyxius_on


      best of luck

    3. khaos


      Hope you win, good luck!

  17. yes school semester is over and summer is soon to be here hooray 8D!!!!

    1. khaos


      lucky, my school is over next week...

    2. phyxius_on


      lol happy summer woot woot

  18. looking for shoyru shadow morphing potion *refresh* too cheap guess i'll keep looking.Looking shadow PB on auction *refresh* waaaaay to cheap,here we go again :(.Looking for shoyru shadow morphing potion on userstores *refresh* not there,why do i even bother *sigh* :(

    1. khaos


      by cheap do you mean expensive? cuz on TP i looked up a shadow paint brush and it was 1.1 million, how much were the morphing potions?

    2. wistiria12


      the morphing potions cost like 500k nps,that's to expensive for me i only have 100k nps

    3. khaos


      i used to have that much... now only almost 300K. Darn that new wheel of extravagance!

  19. I'm gonna be 13 soon,so i guess that means that i'm gonna be a teenager.Imagine how many i could have when i'm a teen like: losing my faith in my self,relanship problem,frienship problems,etc.So that is why i'm lookng for a book about teen lives like Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul IV so it could help me more about how to live as a teen,i'm not a little kid anymore,but still i'm gonna miss being one thought :)

    1. khaos


      i pretty much have lost faith in myself already.. but your gonna be wistiria13 soon! :D

    2. wistiria12


      wait but i'm wistirria12 and...oooh i see what you did there,thanks and i can't wait for our neopet battle soon :)

    3. khaos


      i haven't been training xD your neopet is like 6 lvls ahead of mine i think xD your b-day is very close to a girl in my class, august 5 :D 2 days apart, and also 2 years =P

  20. This summer i'm gonna try to buy my first neocash card.I'm trying to save enough money to get the 25$ necash card,wish me luck,i hope

  21. Hi javi.Welcome back,its good to see you again.I will send a battledome request during the summer because i'm veeeeery busy in school,but don't worry it will end soon :D

  22. Ok, so shenkuu had a bad ending at last years game,but that dosen't matter allways keep moving forward,never look back.Shenkuu can rise again if we just try

    1. phyxius_on


      never give up

    2. Angeló


      we will keep fighting and I'm very optimistic about this year :)

  23. wow its that you...on your profile? if it is...nice pic *giggles* :)

  24. nice avatar kyttyn,i see that you love cats and that is how you got your name

  25. happy close birthday Neomysterion :D

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