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Posts posted by wistiria12

  1. I don't see how others people don't get scared of horror movies.

    For me I know it's not real, but once I am alone in the house or just in my car my mind seriously starts flash backing to all the scary parts xD;


    I have a waaaay too active imagination, although that's why I am good at writing/story telling > 3<;


    i agree, i like to daydream,letting my imagination flow anywhere i go,that's where i get to be my trueself :D

  2. i'm afraid of blood because sometimes when i see someone in real life bleeding i can't bare to look and sometimes might even cry i don't why,but i wish i could face my fear and i'll do my best to face it,i hope :guiltysmiley:

  3. Hi its good you came back.Good luck on those new avatars and neofriends and i also love your shenkuu theme,so beautiful ^_^


    oh and let me guess...you like shenkuu themed items



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  4. I'm torn. I think JJPB has better prizes, but I like that you can choose your prize with the dice one.


    I'm sorry is just in JUBJUB POWER BOUNCE i don't have many nc and i only played it two times because they gave it out and i didn't like the prizes that they gave me,so that is why i prefer BLUMAROO DICE ROLL because you can choose which prize you most like,but no worries everyone is different right? ^_^

  5. Definitely some free nc, :yes: ever since i got delina's quest i only got 75nc -_- but at least i'll get more at this years Daily Dare,but some wearables would be nice ^_^

  6. Hi i'm wistiria12


    So i was just logging in to piñata and then all of the sudden all my piñata had an unknown disease called Scourgies.I don't what happen so i went hospital and was some cures but i did not know which one to choose so a pick the Indistinguishable Healing goop on both on my pets but it will work.Have anyone's piñata got Scourgies and those anyone know the cure

  7. Hi i'm wistiria12

    Ok,i got Delina's quest,but i only have 75nc and what's even worse that its the same than last:"bring me pieces of metal and spools of silk".I'm still mad for what happened in that quest.I had 225nc back then until i got Delina's quest,so i had to waste 150nc.I'm not doing this quest until i get more nc and a better quest,why it couldn't been a Faerie Fountain Quest instead *sigh*.

  8. Hi i'm wistiria12

    Many times i wonder that if i'm a daydreamer because when i'm alone relaxing i start to dream a lot and maybe thinking that maybe someday it might come true,but many of my friends dream a lot at night because they sleep longer than me.I like to dream a lot and so do my friends and how about you what kind of dreamer are you?Day or Night?

  9. HI i voted for you on the caption contest i'm so proud of you. i tried to get in last week's caption but alas i'm not funny tipe <_<.OH well good luck at luck at caption contest :laughingsmiley:


    p.s i thought yours was the funniest lol :D so funny

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