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Posts posted by wistiria12

  1. Hi i'm wistiria12

    Hey,have you got dizzy playing wheel related games? one time when i was playing the wheel of monotony i was sooo dizzy once when it kept going around and around around and around *getting dizzy*.Anyway, i was so dizzy that i had to go to another page for like 3hrs, its was so boring,have you ever got dizzy playing a wheel related game?


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  2. yeah, sure no problem ;) i am drawing that right now

    and sorry for the late reply, i just come back from island vacation


    edit :


    here you go.

    sorry for the expression.




    Oooh its beautiful,i love it so much :wub_anim:, you're an amazing artist.Only in a few months, i'll be 13 and i'll put it on my pet's lookup,you don't mind if i do,right? ^_^

  3. welcome to the tdn forum zach,i'm wistiria12,but you can call me wistiria for some people ^_^ .You are welcome to chat with me anytime,this site is very helpful if you have any problems or questions about neopets ^_^

  4. I actually really love the step-by-step thing you have going on, it's quite fantastic. :)

    And also, because of it, my questing was done in like 5 minutes?


    Great prizes too, I'm glad I can actually participate in something ;)


    i agree with you,i love the neggs and most of all the cherry blossom items, i can't resist such a beautiful flower like the cherry blossom :wub_anim:

  5. :laughingsmiley: I'm 25 and have already been working since I was 16, but I'm joining in on this one.


    My dream career, lawyer. But... I couldn't devote that many years of my life to schooling, so probably, eventually, some sort of computer degree, since I work in the tech/computer industry now, and my company is a large tech/computer company.


    Hey what a coincidence,i have a cousin who has the same dream job as you do,but he is almost finish and starts working soon,but remember to don't give up on your dreams spritzie,the efforts are worth it,but still,you have an awesome job on tech/computer industry :yes:

  6. Hi i'm wistiria12

    Many of my family are already having jobs and its because some of them are around to 18-25 years.When i grow up i may wanna be a scientist,an artist or a photographer,i'm still thinking about it and there's so many carers to choose from,from doctors to scientists,from teachers to secretaries,what do you want to be when you grow up?



  7. I would actually chose to be a nine tailed fox (gumiho/kitsune).

    Magical abilities, wise, immortal, shape shifters, abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world... loyal yet cunning.

    Heh, I remember having to do a research paper for my Asian Mythology class xD


    ooh i see why,i agree with you the nine tailed fox are very impressive and magnificent creatures. ^_^



  8. Hi everyone,I would like to ask you a question:which fantasy creature suits you more? i think my fantasy creature would be an art faerie because i love draw,i would like to fly one day and i like all of there magical spells and abilities,so what's yours?


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  9. hi i see your drawings,there amazing :woot: could you draw my neopet usul sweet_floral,please? she really loves to be dressed as a shenkuu girl and she really loves cherry blossoms a lot, even if she lives in faerieland.I would be very appreciated if you do. :laughingsmiley:


    sweet_floral's description: she loves to be a shenkuu girl,likes cherry blossoms and she loves to paint or draw

    P.s I'm sorry that i'm very bossy right now,i hope i'm not worrying you. :guiltysmiley:



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