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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. Oh my gosh I am so freaking HAPPY :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  2. Oh my gosh, you watch Chuggaaconroy, too? (You said your favorite LP'er is gonna LP Pokemon Emerald, which he just started :D)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flyingeevee


      Never heard of Bikdiponabus, but I do watch SuperSkarmory sometimes :D Mangaminx is another fav of mine...she just doesn't update much :/ Plus I started to watch LPs from ScottishDuck17 xD Necroscope86 was my first LP'er to discover plus he updates SO MANY games so him and Chugga will always be on my list :3

    3. khaos


      You should watch BikdipOnABus. He is good at gaming, funny, and just really entertaining to watch. He is on a slight hiatus right now. But he has like over 1000+ videos. :P

    4. flyingeevee


      I'll give him a chance then :D

  3. Oh my lord x'D Speaking of which, is there a max to YYB?

  4. Oh ok. I never use it much anyway but message me when you want to get on Xat. And cool, I never got around to finishing it, but I finished Darkness a long time ago xD

  5. Oh right, I forgot. Sorry.

  6. oh yeah *punch back* Hi!!

  7. khaos

    oh yeah, forgot about it. sure! :P

    1. khaos


      do you have the link?

  8. Oh, ok. :) Nice to see you're back around the forums!

  9. oh, ok. :P so you have a ton of random stuff on your clipboard because you haven't had a life in a while? mmkay xD

  10. Oh, ok. Good to hear :)

  11. Oh, you're inheritedbark. Hai der. :P

  12. oh. i look stupid things up a lot, just never copy it because i dont have anyone to show it to. :P

  13. Ohh. How far into it had you gotten?

  14. Ohh. Sorry. :/

  15. ohmigosh your own xat NAOO :D

    1. khaos


      *you're on :P

  16. khaos

    Ok Lassi, I'll let you think about it. I'll give you 20,000 NP. :)

  17. Ok then, lets sit here in silence, like you said. BTW, i heard you like pokemon, *looks at intrests*, so did you get black or white?

  18. Ok, and thanks!

  19. Ok. :) *late reply*

  20. Ok. :) I still have to wait another day or two.

  21. Ok. *has nothing more to say* Happy somewhat early birthday I guess? :P

  22. Ok. But we dont really know for sure. *is forced to stay up until 12:01 a.m. to coungratulate you on 2 and a half years* :P

  23. khaos

    Ok.mJust rendomness and we will maybe make a plot when we get into it. :P

  24. khaos

    Okeedokee. See you tomorrow maybe!


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