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Posts posted by Lycan

  1. I like the baby, chocolate, desert, mutant, pirate, and plushie.

    The only other one I would be convinced to get if I *can* actually achieve a basic one is the mutant.


    For the most part, I just do some dalies and play a few games a day.

    I'm not much for most of the games, though.

    I've recently am building up my stock portfolio, though!


    Uh, what is the Food Club? o.o;;


  2. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement ^^

    The plushie draik's colours and stitching are so adorable!

    It is very pleasing to the eye.

    I honestly don't care for most painted colours of the draik, but the basic design is muy bien.

    I've only been around Neopets for a month, sooo...

    Haha, it might take me a VERY long time xD

    My first quest is to get a Mutant Ixi, which I have 120k towards out of 350-400k.

  3. I received the winter theme! I collected my prizes everyday as well.

    I actually had no idea what they were until a few days ago xD

    I have a feeling I won't use it until next December, though.

    In the meantime, I'm using my purple theme :D


    The only items I really loved were the plushies, which I stuck in my gallery.

    They are so detailed and cute *.*

    I also love the Holiday Bowtie.

    Currently, I took most of my Christmas items off my pets since I feel odd having them attached when it isn't the holiday xD

  4. Oh nice. The spherical items do go very well with a jubjub, very pleasing on the eye :) The colored orbs in the foreground frame the jubjub exceptionally well.

    I have to agree with the spherical congruency. I give it a 9/10. Nice work, solider :P


    Alright... As for my pets...

    They aren't anything snazzy, but I do like Aetyate in particular:




    I deem him an official wizard, time lord, and overall seer of the night.

    And who can go wrong with a teddy bear sidekick ;D

  5. Sloth Appreciation Day is what I'm looking forward to.

    I need the I *heart* Sloth avatar.

    In turn, it will get me the I *heart* Happiness avatar.


    In the very least, that means I will have 160 Avatars for January!

    (Hey, I've only been around for a month. Don't hate~)

  6. My first and foremost Dream Pet is a Grey Ixi.

    Those sad eyes get me every time T^T


    My second is a Plushie Draik.

    I think the colours are fantastic, and the stiches are love in any plushie pet.


    My third is either an UC Desert Lupe Darigan Lupe, which may be quite hard to find, or a Snow Cybunny.

    I think it is the only Snow pet I really love. I know it isn't too rare, but it is so cute, nontheless!


    My final is a Mutant Ixi.

    I am working on this one right now! I just think it is darling for some reason.

    It is also fairly obtainable, which is something to say from someone who stinks at making NPs.

  7. Well, I've been using TDN for everything since I rejoined Neopets, and I became a bit obsessed with avatars.

    I actually stumbled upon the lending process by accident.

    But you know what, I think I was more excited about a message board xD

    I find the NeoBoards move too fast for my liking so I was raring to go when I saw this place.

    I'm only one month old, so don't expect a pet lend from me until three more months.

    (I probably wouldn't go for an item either, considering I'm not too grand at earning NPs)

  8. Salutations!

    My name is Kyra, and I came from... you guessed it... Neopets!

    I'm a veteran player who went on an incredible hiatus, forgot her user name, and decided to make a new one after five years!

    I am hopelessly addicted to pet sites, but cut back as I grew older.

    Currently Neopets and a private petsite named Digis are the only two I frequent. (Which I am a site writer)

    I know my ways around 'em, that's for certain.


    I also LOVE message boards.

    Again, had a falling out with ones I used to spend my life on...

    But... Hahah...

    Let's say I have a LOT to say on pretty much every topic, and I chat a ton, and leave it at that.

    If I feel comfortable here, expect a bunch of replies scattered around the board~


    Ai, but anyway. Read the About Me part in my profile to get to know a bit more.

    Questions? Comments? Concerns?

    Yar, post them here!


    **Well, look at that. I can't edit my topic title. It is suppose to say "Still HAS THAT new user smell" but I guess I'm too tired for my own good!**

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