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Posts posted by Lycan

  1. I'm going with Moltara. There is something about this team the last couple of years that has striked my interest besides being the underdog.

    I think I'm going to give them a shot since I still have yet to find a solid loyalty to a certain team.

  2. Hello!

    I'm wondering if any of you have unwanted secret laboratory map pieces.

    I'm terrible at earning neopoints, and I've always wanted a pet to zap in hopes of some nice pets. I own four pieces out of nine. If, by chance, two people give me the same piece before I update, I willmake sure to send it back to you!


    You can get a free one using this code at the Grundo warehouse: NEO1TRILHPRZCDE



  3. YYYYEEEEESSSSS. FINALLY. This will it make it so much easier. There are a lot of games where I could steal the ball(Why did I write battle? o.o') but I cant because it switches to my goalie for no reason and they end up scoring cause I move my goalie while thinking i'm still moving a player.


    Yeah, I do this too.

    I'm like yeah got the ball!

    Oh no, the other team stole it, I need to chase after them.

    Wait... I'm the goalie now? :grrr:

  4. Great to see you back Lycan. By the way, weren't you the same one from Icepets?

    I'm on there as Neomysterion.


    Yes, I am the same Lycan, admin of Icepets :D

    I must admit I can't enjoy neopets without this forum since it's my neoboard supplement, so when I temporarily left here, Neopets left too.

    I saw you on Icepets and I thought you looked familiar xD



    Welcome back! I just returned from a long hiatus as well. :)


    Welcome back to you as well!

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