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Posts posted by Lycan

  1. Aww. I didn't get it. Maybe it only works on Valentine's Day? :guiltysmiley:

    (am I just stupid? maybe i should finish my homework and go to sleep)


    EDIT: oh herp derp you said it in your post :laughingsmiley: i'm just an idiot. :rolleyes_anim:

    Thank you so much for the card!! :D

    I'd love to be gifted the card on Vday since I don't have the site theme!

    I'll make sure to pass it on to someone either this thread or the other forums.

  2. I just got the Packrat avatar! I didn't know that I had those items there, it's like finding a buried treasure, with lots of faeries, dubloons and map pieces inside ^_^

    Do you have any items that you don't want?

    I'd be happy to take them, since I am still trying to get this avatar. Spam me with as much as you want! :D

  3. I only pay real life money for ONE petsite, and I intend to keep it that way.

    The only reason I will donate to this site is because:

    1) It's a small community. I know everyone.

    2) I am a staff member and good friends with some of the admins/mods and I know the support they get from the users is happily received and used for the site.

    3)We have no ads, it pays for the artist's tablets/computer software and the upkeep of the website itself.

    4) I'm not paying to be *premium* I am donating and through this, I get monthly pets and items.

    5) Donating to the site is purely optional. You get all the perks a normal user would get.

  4. I personally like to be co-owners for guilds, or at least on a council spot.

    I like them because they move slower than the NeoBoards, and you can generally weed out people that are obtuse.

    My guild is theme-less, so we are very laid back. We aren't extremely active like some, but then again, we only have 15 members :)

  5. NO,NO,NO,and NO.My.....its hard to explain,go to a neopian shop and enter 1np,then keep clicking on the pet.you will see what I mean. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: P.S.i said HAGGLING! :grrr:

    I don't frequent the shops very much, and I don't recognize the shop keepers off hand.

    Chill, man :P

  6. I just fixed mine. :D Thank goodness. After what seemed like millions of hours on the Help Chat. But so worth it. :D


    Haha. It's a screenshot from the Legend of Zelda: WindWaker. There's this wierd dude that all he does is dance the entire game. WindWaker is my favorite Gcube game. :P





    I forgot about that so hard x'D


    I'm dying laughing right now because I remember my brother playing it a while ago, and I thought it was the funniest thing ever.

    Isn't his name Tott and he teaches you a song, or something?

  7. When I was a kid, I joined seven years ago because it was something to do.

    Other people in my late elementary/ early middle school days played it, so we would chat on there since some people didn't like AIM at that age.

    I slowly grew out of it, and I became a bit bored, so I decided to stop playing.


    Today, I joined because I am back into petsites/sims. I noticed Neo changed a great deal over the year-- and now it has SO much to do compared to back then. :king:

  8. New.Coding.Filters=death. I literally just finished coding my UL yesterday. And now it looks like poop. Curse you CGers that make TNT change the code filters!!! *shakes fist*

    I wish they didn't change it suddenly.

    I had to remove half the coding from my UL D:

    I don't feel like looking for a new one either...


    Anyway, what is up with your avatar? I can't tell what it is.

    I mean, I know it's a person dancing but what is it from or why is moving that way o.o;

    ...If you don't mind me asking haha.

  9. King Hagan listens contently to your words of wisdom...


    King Hagan Says:

    Ahh, brilliant! It's good to know there are intelligent Neopians out there.

    I give you an A+! (763 out of 1000)


    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Skeith - King Hagan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    YAY! :D I've tried it for so long that I didn't think it was even possible to get it!

    You lucky duck!

    I'm having such a hard time with him. I think the best I got was a B-?

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