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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. So my pet that I'm training for the battledome has average stats.

    It has a high level but only 8HP.


    HP: 0/8 (blasted by the Snowager

    Level: 27


    I'm happy with the other stats (receivable at Coltzan's Shrine).

    I've only managed to get two-dubloon coins, and can't be bothered to buy stuff (am saving up for a few things)

    What do you guys think is the best way to increase HP (endurance)?


    Thanks :D

  2. ^ Oh definitely

    < I had a mind blank today. It was because I saw RIG and I didn't know what it stood for.

    v Do you know what it stood for?

  3. I grew up in New Zealand though, and English kinda displaced Chinese in my head as I picked it up.


    Now, typing, that's a different matter. :P I can type in English, C, C++, PHP, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bash, XML, VHDL- *shot*


    New Zealander! Yay, there's someone else here who has lived in NZ.. :)


    Wow, you can type in all of those prgramming languages, awesome!

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