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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. I managed to read it. It took me 6 seconds to fully figure it out.


    I can read Chatspeak to an extent. I can also read LOL cats, but it just gets annoying. This is one of the reasons I don't bother with the Neoboards. TOO MUCH CHATSPEAK!


    What's a LOL cat?

    Haha, good old chatspeak. JOO MAKE ME LAUGH.

  2. So I come back here, and find I am talked about on HAMS.

    I was also thinking, can we also call it HASM? It sounds a lot like 'I HAS M', like I have Ms.


    Name: Zakuro

    Nickname: Zakuro, Bex, Mew

    Are you a Meepit Servant or a Squirrel Minion? A Meepit Servant *meep meep*

    You are locked in a cage with an annoying person and a device that makes any custom weapon, what do you do?

    I would make a lighning sword full of chakra to manipulate the annoying person and slice through the cage bars. :)


    Ruto is on vacation and has left her cheese supply defenceless...

    I would steal it and eat it while watching movies that Ruto hates until she comes back. Then I'd donate it to charity so she would have no idea where it went.

  3. Pink isn't my sort of colour. I don't really like anything pink. It's not that bad though.

    Hmm... I like purple and some of my favourite cartoon characters are purple. How ironic.


    So, quick poll, what is your favourite colour?

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