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The Score in Blue

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Posts posted by The Score in Blue

  1. So, I was exploring my cookie list, and found Neopets on there.


    I was going to clear it out but I saw things like:





    If I clear the cookies, will it affect my login status or whatever else is in there? (amount in bank, shares...)

  2. Zakuro, what are the states that you DO know?

    Hmm.... Texas (because Funimation is based there), North and South Dakota, respectively, Florida, Arkansas, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Mississippi and Massachusetts. That's all I can think of for now.


    I used to live in Texas, so if you give me all the abbreviations, I could tell you the states, and I might be able to place some on a map, but that's it.

    I have no idea on abbreviations, just the names. The only one is AZ, aka. Arizona. So what does DC (in Washington DC) stand for?



    In 8th grade, in my history class, we had to memorize the abbreviation and capital for all the US states, then we had a test on it. I had the same thing, but with Europe in 7th grade geography.

    I don't know what grade I'm in.

    Yr 10 (NZ), what's that in America?




    That is awesome, just like Dionne Kwan.

    She works on cartoons as a voice actor and is blind.

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