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Posts posted by Quark

  1. I'm pretty sure that I'm getting Inception for Christmas, which is exciting. I can finally catch up to what my friends are talking about, haha.


    Watched The Snowman to get into a Christmassy mood. Without fail, that movie always makes me sob. As a little kid, I used to rent it from the library even in the dogdays of summer and bawl my eyes out. (And every time my mom would swear that I couldn't take it out again because it made me too upset.)

    I love the fact that Davie Bowie introduces the movie, which wasn't on the VHS that I always watched as a kid, so I was pleasantly surprised to see him pop up.


    This song is nothing without the rest of the movie, but you can all appreciate a gorgeous song and art to die for. <3

    Excuse me, I'll be in the heap of tissues crying exactly as I did over a decade ago!

  2. I second this. I never, ever wear jeans. I almost always wear skirts or dresses, but also love dress pants. Jeans feel too slob-ish to me, but I am also a clothes addict. I LOVE dressing up, even if it's just to go pick up groceries.

    Yes! *internet high-five* The material of jeans is awkward to me, I don't know, if my hand brushes up against them I get the chills, and not in a good way. I can't remember the last time I wore jeans. Which is pretty pathetic, but oh well.

    I dress up practically everywhere I go. Even doctor's appointments. I don't do so to look attractive in the winkwink nudgenudge sense to people, I just don't like going places without proper clothes on.


    What am I doing, I have to go write a paper. AUGH FINALS.

  3. I'll make you draw if you make me study for my finals! sigh

    DITTO. I have a 12 page pysch paper due THIS Monday. MAN.

    I would love to draw for you all and I will! School is beating me with a heavy boot right now, especially in regards to that aforementioned paper. Plus, I'm moving so my world is full of boxes right now. STRESSFUL!

    But I promise I will get to you all! Especially a cute Pikachuuu. <3 And a koala and platypus! I need to work on my animals. They're fun to draw, because you have a little more room for stylistic interpretation, whereas drawing human figures sometimes feels pretty rigid to me.

    What am I even saying, it's 1AM and I haven't slept much. Go to bed, Sarah.

  4. I just got mine and they were loveeeely books! Really gorgeous ones! :D <3

    Just bought my gifts and I'm excited. I think I'll send them tonight because I'm so swamped with school, real world Christmas shopping and planning a get-together with friends that I don't know how often I'll get to go on Neopets.


  5. Chocolate is surprisingly well done. Transparent is give or take for me. It's a great idea for a color though, here's hoping the artists have a lot more fun with it later on.


    The male clothes are BLAH. I'm so tired of scene/emo/gawtttth Neopets, which are numerous enough to choke a horse. It's not original, it's not edgy or creative. It's overplayed and bland.

  6. Si, it means my jaw is smaller. It's not even that big of a deal, sometimes my jaw hurts if I talk too much (haha) but that's about it. But since it makes me look a tad bit different, of course people are always going to jump on it as an excuse not to like me. :/


    Pajamas in school should only be for pajama day and if you roll out of bed a few minutes before class. Ditto for guys that constantly wear athletic and gym shorts. Unless you're going for a jog afterward, you shouldn't be wearing them!

  7. I've been accepted! I've been accepted!! I'm going to FURMAN!! *leaps around in excitement* :woot:


    <3 Oh man! That's exciting! I'm not even from South Carolina and I've heard of that school. :graduated: Well, a graduating smile-y is a little premptive, but that's wonderful news. What are you going for?

  8. Weapon of Choice is the greatest thing ever. The. Greatest. Thing. Ever. I will never get sick of watching Walken dance in a hotel lobby.

    by Neko Case is one of my favorites. Gorgeous song, gorgeous art.



    But as far as music videos go, Frontier Psychiatrist is wickedly amazing. It's my professional opinion that everyone should see it at least four times in their life.

  9. Ooo chocolate with fruit! Chocolate strawberries are one of the tastiest things on the planet.

    I love REALLY dark chocolate. Like, 91%. It takes a while to get used to, and you can't eat a lot of it, otherwise you'll taste bitterness for years. But it melts on your tongue! Mmmmm.


    I think we have hot cocoa mix. Gonna go make some...

  10. Sims 3 is more deeply customizable without having to download 3rd party stuff, and even that is customizable to the nines. It has a little more "realism" than Sims 2, and the open-world setting is lovely, your sims can go pretty much anywhere within the town without a loading screen. You can also set it so that every household goes on without you, so that for instance, everyone in the town will grow old at the same rate, although you can also turn this off for Sims 2 style play.


    It's pretty nice, and in a lot of ways similar to Sims 2, but in a lot of ways different. I'm quite unhelpful. :D

    I agree that the customization in the Sims 3 is amazing, but the gameplay sometimes irritates me. I like to have multiple houses under my complete control, but The Sims 3 takes away a little bit of that.

    Still, it's a great game. I love that there's no loading in screen in town. For that ALONE it deserves to be played. (My Sims in Sims 2 became virtual recluses because the loading was simply too long!)


    I think we should all try to make Sims of ourselves. :P Accurately as possible!

  11. :/ Sorry.... all I know about Hannukah I learned on Rugrats and it's been a while.

    90's Nickelodeon cartoons have taught me everything I need to know. About anything.


    Those leg lengtheners are horrifying! Drastic measures to change your body in general is just scary. When I was 18, I was supposed to get reconstructive surgery on my jaw (ah, micrognathia, you are fun to have) but because it was merely cosmetic I refused to have it. One of the best choices I've ever made. Granted, I get weird looks sometimes and there's always the occasional rude person who asks me, "What's wrong with your FACE?!" but they're jerks, to be blunt.


    (Luciana, buy some tights and socks! Putting on fancy thigh-highs and garters is an epic feeling of epicness. I can rule the world with the right stockings, I say, I say, old boy.)

  12. I hope you get in! :) Isn't seeing your art improve one of the best feelings? Keep at it, don't ever stop drawing, well as long as you still enjoy it. Life sketching and playing around with styles is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. Try drawing things that you HATE to draw or usually skip over to get better at them.


    I love the Wockys in the tree picture. You have really smooth and crisp, clean lines! (Sometimes that I cannot achieve for the life of me!)

  13. I just want to add that this is REALLY sweet. :) I won't be participating simply because I don't play Neopets that much, and I'm not a serious player, it's just casual fun after classes.


    So I wish you all good luck! TDN is a wonderful place indeed. <3

  14. Yesss, I loved fencing people in. I was ruthless. If they wanted to go home they got caged for months on end. It always amused me that if it rained, they would still put up their umbrellas. Yup, you're kidnapped by a giant omnipotent hand and help captive at an amusement park, but you put up your umbrella in the rain. ;) Makes perfect sense!

  15. I remember Roller Coaster Tycoon was fun until I got good at it. Then it was too easy, and I had to resort to trying to find the quickest ways to kill customers to entertain myself :laughingsmiley:


    Yeah, I was a morbid little 2nd grader.

    Ahhh yes! I loved making the roller coaster that would usually go in a one-way loop and then return your passengers safe. Except you could change the speed so that the coaster when VROOOOSH! right off the track.

    Even more wonderful was building it over a body of water, assuring everyone's eventual drowning. :P


    Man, between that and killing of Sims, most of my adolescence gaming was spent concocting various creative ways of killing off as many people as possible. Considering that I was playing those games and my brother was playing Grand Theft Auto, I probably had a higher kill rate than him, haha.

  16. The problem with the 2nd Amendment is that it was written in a different time when most of the country was wilderness. Hunting was common place and there was a need to defend either your property or farm animals from foxes, bears, etc. Being as I live a short jaunt away from various major cities (including Camden, NJ, one of the poverty stricken cities with a horrifyingly high murder rate) I doubt that either me or most city-dwellers would ever find a need for a gun.


    I would also like to point out that death by firearms is the most common form of suicide. It's quick, it's often fatal on the first shot (and if not fatal, it may leave you disfigured) and that's what makes it a problem. There's no time for intervention, second thoughts or calling a suicide hotline. Suicide by firearms outnumbers homicide, and so I think it's important to look at that as a main issue concerning gun control.

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