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Posts posted by Quark

  1. PoTAYto.

    I have never heard anyone say poTAHto, not even here in Jersey where everyone seems to say everything different. (Although I will have you know that NO ONE says Joisey. ;p)

  2. Petpage applications are outrageous. I considered making one for a Mutant Kau, but gave up before the initial page even started and just went out and bought a potion. I agree, it is pretentious and I don't know of anyone's page actually getting accepted. Psssh, even job applications don't call for you to draw fan art and code a page. Pet trading is strange to me, and after some limited experience with trading and adopting pets, I've realized that it's out of control. Even without pet pages, a lot of offers are made, a lot of promises are broken and hardly anyone is the better for it. It's another strange addition to Neopets that I just don't understand. :/

  3. Hi, my name is Sarah and I've been on Neopets for...a long time. :P

    I started up again recently after a hiatus and am surprised by all the changes. Unsettled, perhaps! I feel crazy old, hah, that is one big change. (Please tell me that 20 is not old! :wink:)


    So anyhow, hello, hiya, bonjour.

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