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Posts posted by Quark

  1. Sure! Does he look like he does in his customization or do you have a character design? If so, Anthro or quad? You know, silly stuff. xD And thanks for complimenting my character designs. I try to make my pets unique.

    I'm going to be evil and say that it is up to you. :P I like quad better personally, but it's up to you and your arting. :)

  2. Of course, my last name has no results, since it's a really butchered form of my great-grandfather's Russian name and is total gibberish. :P

    My username is both my first and middle name, heh, so I can't search that.

  3. Cookie grabbers? I have no idea what he's talking about.

    Some people take Neopets waaaay too seriously and think that EVERYONE is out to steal their precious virtual money or pets. But I really don't know what he means. :/

  4. I don't really watch Futurama. Heard its funny but never seen it.

    Well, sir, you need to remedy that! I can't believe it's been on since 2000, I feel extraordinarily old now. D:


    Spritzie you had foxes? :) Awww yay, do you have any pictures?

  5. Riptide - Sick Puppies

    :laughingsmiley: I've always been anti-Lady Gaga, but I did hear one of her songs I actually enjoy.

    Haha, isn't that the worst? Sadly, I actually really like her as a person. She really did do a lot to get Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed (YES!) and she's apparently very sweet to her fans. She is such my guilty pleasure, it's terrible.


    Stars "Your Ex-Lover is Dead". I need to stop listening to sad break-up songs. This had not been a fun month or so. :/

  6. Add Pteri to the list of done! I did a Faerie Pteri, which was fun.


    Okay, I like drawing cute things more than I realized, haha. The zigzags on the tail are my favorite part. :P

    (I hope it isn't too big, it re-sizes on my monitor though.)

  7. I'm pretty sure the items you got are highly sought after as they're the "gold" prize! So it was a steal of a deal imo!!

    Ooo really? And I was about to reroll my gift too. How sought out after? Enough to trade for other items? (How...how do you trade NC items?)

  8. Magnitude is the WORST. It's like, "Oh look, a little dorky Diglett, this in the bag--MAGGGGNITUDE 8!" Kaput. Overkill.

    I keep wondering if anyone's done a Nuzlocke run on Black and White yet, but I'm trying to keep myself virtually in the dark about it before it gets released in the States.

  9. I am grinding so much, which is why this is taking so long! Pah. Why couldn't I have stumbled upon a water type?

    Niles has a grass move that can probably take them out in one shot, but if he dies I'll be crushed! I'm going to create a new game on another save slot (yay for emulators!) soon so I can play Emerald regularly, without the pressure of keeping my little friends alive.

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