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Status Updates posted by Quark

  1. Super free art time coming soon to a TDN near you! :p

  2. Hi hi, just wanted to say that Okami is my favorite game. :) Did you play it on the wii or the PS2? I heard that the Wii had some issues, but I've never played that version.

  3. Hey hey, what's up? I haven't been on TDN for a while, I've just been so busy! (And hot, it's sweltering outside. Bleh!)

  4. Your avatar=epic.

    I approve, good sir! :p

  5. Haha, the first icon in your signature goes on FOREVVVVER yet I was compelled to watch the whole thing. :p

  6. Hehe, well I DO love Star Trek, but I have an even bigger love for quantum physics. :)

  7. Woah, I just looking at your Land Before time Online RPG project. That's really ambitious! Is it just you working alone? I'd love to play when it's finished, hope it all goes well. :)

  8. Awww thank you, it's just a silly picture. :p

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the name Sarah have roots in India with the goddess Saraswati? I know it also has a Jewish connotation, but the name Saraswati is earlier.

    Heh, we could always trade names! :p

  9. Awww thanks, I'm actually jealous of your name! :) Mine is just so common. I like my middle name, Jacklyn, better. (Hence my Neopets name, sarah_jackie!)

  10. I was away camping for the weekend. Hmmm, what's up with our group?

    I hope there's more Zoidberg! I'm quite partial to his scuttling antics.

  11. <3333 Me tooo! So excited.

  12. I must say, I love your username. :)

  13. Yeah I'm trading a Halloween Zafara for him. :D So excited!

    Your new avatar is adorable and nostalgic. <3

  14. I see you got a faerie Shoyru! Yay! My dream pet, (well, one of them) a Maraquan Pteri is on his way in July. :)

  15. Hehheh I wish I could! I keep telling all my friends about it but none of them LURVE it as much as I do, so it'll just be me and some popcorn in front of the TV all excited and geeking out.

    I can't believe it's been ten years since the first episode! Insane.

  16. So are we excited about the new season of Futurama?!

  17. The square root of that gargantuan number in your interests is 6.20462155 × 10^11.

    Hehehe, large numbers=yay! ;p

  18. I just had to say that I love the kitty in your avatar. :p

  19. Hoorah! It IS fun! I hate getting dressed up to go somewhere special, but when you're just staying home (or going somewhere uneventful, like the bookstore) it's epic.

  20. Quark

    Go Link, go Link go! Your signature is hypnotic.

  21. Heh, I could only think of the Wayne's World gag with the "No Stairway!" sign.

  22. It's been over 8 years, eventually better come soon! ;)

  23. Hi hi! Hah, I see you've won a bag of peanuts. The wishing well is not friends with me, I haven't won ANTHING from it ever. :p

  24. If I could, I totally would!

    By the way, I love your hair in the above picture. It looks like mine if only would be both stay in place and STOP GROWING.

    Curses to this mop upon my head!

  25. Ah I wish I drew it! I'm getting a tablet in July for my birthday however, so hopefully one day I'll be drawing cute little foxies ilke the one on my profile. :P

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