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Status Updates posted by Quark

  1. Heh heh, permanently lend one to you, right!? ;p

  2. It's like Lutari pets! I want one oh so badly but they can't be pounded. Bleh, at Krawks and Draiks are obtainable!

  3. I've tried but no luck! Bah! And I can't even try to snag one from the pound, because they turn red.

    Hopefully one day I'll have that good luck again.

  4. Double yay for Carl Sagan! He's all over my room's wall, haha.

    Also: being in the computing field, especially right now, is a very wise choice. I wish I knew how to program, but I'm not sure I'd be able to find the time right now.

  5. I *had* a Magma pet. When I came back to Neopets, I didn't know what the magma pool was and on the first try my Kougra turned Magma. I thought it was just a free color, so I turned her into a Mutant Kau and just figured I'd make another pet magma later. Little did I know that I was just very lucky! And very stupid! Haha.

  6. Robotic Engineering, eh? I've always wanted to explore that field, for fun rather than a career though.

    Do you have any books to recommend on it?

  7. I hope so, it's my new favorite world, even if there isn't much going on with it right now. I was away from Neopets when it first came out and was pretty psyched when I came back to see MAGMA pets and even better, cute little robotic Moltara petpets.

  8. Moltara, hah, which no one else seems to be behind.

  9. I gave you 5 stars too. :) Hoorah!

  10. Oh yay! Hehe. Well, I could find a way to make them edible.

  11. Yay stars! Can...can I eat them? Are they edible? :p

  12. I totally did! She was pretty old and wet her pants one day sitting by the computer and went to the bathroom to wash up. Few minutes later, she told me she was going home to get changed and shower because y'know, ew so I had to watch the place. I was walking around the office and sat down without thinking...RIGHT IN HER URINE SOAKED CHAIR. It was not a good day! :p

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