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Posts posted by Quark

  1. Sweet guys, I just found out that I can send in my SkullCandies for a refund. Doing that now! Time for store credit. <3


    The Pillows "Beautiful Morning With You" Ah, the Pillows. Providing the only anime soundtrack that didn't make my ears bleed.

  2. Reach For the Sky by Social Distortion.

    Sweet, thumbs up for Social D, man. (Why do I type like a surfer from 2002 sometimes?)

    Stars "Take Me to the Riot"

    My headphones are Skull Candies, which I've heard nothing but good about. However, seeing as they're on their last leg after only a couple of years, I'm wary of buying a new pair from them. Granted, I use them way too much, but still.


    The sound quality from them is unrivaled though. Any better and I'd be shelling out REAL money.

  3. I think I got my revenge later, by chasing the peacocks that roamed the zoo.

    I love peacocks so much, but I was SO startled when I was a kid and heard them for the first time.

    AWWWWOK! They sound like sick cats!

  4. Oh man, I hate ear buds. They detract such quality from the music and they can lead to ear damage. I use big ol' DJ headphones. The sound quality is great, they're comfortable and they protect your hearing.

    I'm sure I look pretty silly wearing them in the library or going for walks though. :P

    The Pixies "Wave of Mutilation"


    Going out for headphones tomorrow. This tape is getting outlandish. Any brand suggestions?

  5. I like anything_random as a username! It's cute and silly.


    If I could change mine, I would, but I don't hate it. Sarah_Jackie. First name's Sarah, middle name's Jackie. Considering I made it 9 years ago, it could be so much worse! My 12 year old self did a good job picking the name, and I'm glad I stayed away from whatever weird obsession that I may have had at the time.

  6. I fell asleep around 3-ish. Good thing I don't have class today. Reading and watching the moon at night in the freezing cold with all the blankets in the world is actually pretty fun.

    There's a really excellent video of it from Florida here:

  7. *gasp* Tiramisu! In high school, my friend and I tried to make it without the alcohol, because obviously we couldn't buy any. And BLECH! Worst baked goods fail ever!

    Coconut macaroons are also a staple of Christmas cookies. So sweet, so good, so fun to make. (I really like baking, but I despise cooking. Most people I know agree with this. Huh, wonder why.)

  8. Had Beauty and the Beast on the in the background while I did some reading.

    I don't remember Belle's voice acting being so AWFUL when I was a kid. In general, the whole movie just rubbed me the wrong way. Sigh, I guess childhood is officially over.

    Still loved Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts though. Great Scott, Mrs. Potts!

  9. I love making cheesecake for Christmas! Ahhh, om om om. Especially mini-cheesecakes which you can just make in cupcake tins with Vanilla Wafers on the bottom. Add some fruit on top and they are uh-mah-zing.

    Have fun with the party! I'm excited because my friends from Delaware are coming up (with their kitty). Hurrah! Despite being an atheist, Christmas is seriously my favorite holiday. I get way too excited about giving people gifts. <3



    There are the Mini-Cheesecakes. Prepare to have your mind blown in the realm of deliciousness.

  10. Habitarium, haha. I think I'm level 5, and I don't do anything. I check in every now and then to see that everything's destroyed, everything's dead and I still don't have enough grass to buy food for my starving petpetpetpetpetpets (yes I do think petpetpets are silly, why do you ask?)

    Mostly, I just don't like how it's a Farmville type game. I'm tired of hiding from those poorly planned, ugly, money-hungry Zygna games on Facebook and now they're following me on Neopets. Ahhhh!


    Also I am just terrible at Kass Bash. Embarrassingly so. I don't really hate the game, I just hate how I can't score anything decent, despite that it's probably the easiest game on the whole site!

  11. I'm surprised the cat wasn't utterly freaked out by them. My old cat used to lose his mind if so much as a squirrel or a bird was in the front yard. I think he would have had an epileptic seizure if foxes came by.

  12. Ah, drat, and it looked so cute too.

    Yeah, hah, especially if it's for real young kids, I doubt that'd be the best game to get my 24 and 23 year old, engaged, "Oh god, we pay rent, what are we, adults?" friends. :P

    Although we are amused easily!

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