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Status Updates posted by Cornflakes

  1. "i took this picture today with the love of my life" -- SHE'S MINE. *growls*

    1. Angeló


      hehe he hehe :O :p

      u can have her ^^

  2. Oh, I didn't realize the TDN forum had become Nazi Germany. Auf wiedersehen.

  3. Ugh, run-ins with the willfully ignorant always leave me feeling drained.

    1. jumpingbeans


      What? Why are you running into Ignor's will? :p

  4. Yay :D :D *huggles* I missed you!! What have you been doing that's more important than Neo?!

  5. Made 82k on my habi today. Makes me happeh :D

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. jumpingbeans
    3. khaos


      What is EE, FB, and Elements?

    4. jumpingbeans


      Everybody Edits, Facebook, and Elementsthegame.

  6. Seinfeld looooove

  7. Back from vacation! Looks like I have a plot I have to catch up on!

    1. Cornflakes


      500 clicks later, all caught up. lol!

  8. Will be on vacation July 21 - July 27, four thousand miles away from a computer. Bon soir :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      *cries hysterically*

    3. khaos


      You mean 4K miles away from YOUR computer.

    4. Cornflakes


      No, I meant 4K miles away from ANY computer.

  9. First you say it's "good" that I can't figure out who you are all the time, then you put a frowny face on my vacation status. lol, make up your mind :P

  10. Of course! I am grateful for the help! :)

  11. Going on vacation to Florida in three days. I will be as far away from a computer as I can get! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tank Girl
    3. Angeló


      have a great time , we'll miss you :) but it's always good to have a break from everything :) ...

    4. Cornflakes


      Aw thanks buddy, I'll miss you too!


  13. Sometimes when I need design inspiration, I scour the internet at large until I see something I like. A site I like to use often is webcreme.com. :)

  14. Thanks :) Coding yes, that's all me. As for the design...eh, let's just say I borrowed it off the web somewhere. *eg*

  15. Nice (Neopets) lookup!

  16. Too bad we can't vote people off the forum, "Survivor" style. *eg*

  17. *chuckles* You are full of awesome.

  18. But I'm a Monty Python fan. :'(

  19. Ok, when you say "What I was on about," does "on about" mean you were mad at me? :S

  20. Don't hate, appreciate. :)

    1. Cornflakes


      Unless they are morons. Sigh

    2. khaos
  21. You speak Italian...neeeeat.

  22. Tired of one-sided friendships. (irl, I mean.)

  23. Let's plan for next month. I will use one of my transfers. :)

  24. I'm happy to lend you my new Ruki. But I only have one transfer left, and I'm signed up for the Draik chain. Maybe a pound lend? Even though after this morning, the thought of that makes me nervous :S

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