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Posts posted by Riverus

  1. I'm saving for it right now...but making sure I have tons left in the bank when I'm done. Most of the other avatars I need are for games I'm terrible at, stamps, or require knowing people to be lent SUPER expensive items (I think BGC, MSPP, and SuAP are the only other item ones I'm missing), so this seemed like the logical next step. There's nothing else that I feel the need to save for at the moment, so it makes sense for me. Eventually I'll go back to stamps, but the Richest avatar is WAY cheaper.

  2. I firmly believe that every public area should provide a women's washroom, a men's washroom, and a gender neutral washroom. Every individual should then be able to choose which washroom they use based on their gender identity. If you identify as a woman, you should be able to use the women's washroom or the gender neutral washroom. If you identify as a man, you should be able to use the men's washroom or the gender neutral washroom. I don't care what body parts exist in the space that is typically found between a pair of legs. If you are a woman (and only you can say if you are a woman or not), you should be allowed to use the woman's washroom.


    I feel the same way about change rooms. And anything else where genders are segregated.


    Sometimes I think society would be much better off if we made clothing illegal and we were forced to see bodies as bodies and not sex objects. Then I remember that I live in Canada and it's cold most of the year. If we saw bodies as bodies, I don't think this debate would exist.

  3. Okay, I've trained her level up to 5 (working on 6 as I type) and I've been looking at abilities. It looks like Shade might be the best for the level 5 abilities? And Positive Thinking for when she gets to level 10? Does this sound right to those of you who have more experience?

  4. I just checked my level and she is level one. Would it make sense to train up her level a bit? I have a bunch of codestones lying around. I don't currently have any abilities. I have a few of the new faeries, but no idea how they work.


    Thanks so much for the advice. I was never into the old Battle Dome, but this one seems like so much more fun.

  5. My pet is making it so close to beating this final wave, but not close enough. These are her current stats (lab rat):


    Health: 310

    Strength: 83

    Defense: 34

    Move: 23


    I'm currently using Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting and Hanso Charisma Charm.


    I know very little about the Battle Dome but I really want to be able to finish this final wave. Can someone suggest something that will get me through please?

  6. I'm studying early childhood education and I'd just like to throw some things out there.


    The options point is key. Always give the child options that still lead to what you want. For example, there was one child in my preschool room during placement who did not like putting her sleeping toy away after nap time. If I just said, "Okay, it's time to put your toy away" she'd throw a fit. If I said, "In one more minute it will be time to put your toy away" and came back in one minute and said, "It's time to put your toy away now. Do you want to put it away, or do you want me to put it away?" she'd make her decision and happily move on to the next thing. Children are small people in a big world and they often are forced to do what the big people tell them to do. They need their little moments of control.


    I'd just like to state for the record that time outs are not developmentally appropriate. In fact, if I put a child on a time out, I would fail placement (at this stage in life) or be fired (once I get a paying job in the field). Time outs do not show a child what they did wrong or what they should be doing. Ignoring the child doesn't help because a two-year-old is still learning self-regulation. They don't yet know how to deal with their emotions on their own and they need someone to help guide them through it.


    It is very important to use positive language with children. This means telling them what they should do, rather than just what they shouldn't do. You must also explain why you don't want them to do the thing that you don't want them to do. For example, we don't say to children, "Don't hit," we say, "We hurt people when we hit. We use our words when we don't like something. You tell her, 'I don't like that' instead of hitting" If you just say, "Don't hit" the child knows what not to do, but not what they should do.

  7. I find the easiest way to feed side-account pets is to just keep my neopoints on my side accounts at less than 3000 and visit the Soup Faerie. Since the only thing you can really use the neopoints for on side accounts is transfering pets, you really don't need piles of neopoints on your side accounts.

  8. You are only allowed one main account, so you are free to choose whether you want to keep your unfrozen account or your new account as your main. Just freeze one of them or use one as a side account from now on (you may wish to write on the profile of the side account that it is now a side just to make everything clear). I can't think of a single situation where you are not allowed to move pets around your own accounts, so you should be safe.

  9. 2.png


    Level: 9

    Hit Points: 23 / 23

    Strength: titanic

    Defence: heavy

    Movement: lightning

    Intelligence: average




    Level: 1

    Hit Points: 12 / 12

    Strength: average

    Defence: heavy

    Movement: super speedy

    Intelligence: bright




    Level: 3

    Hit Points: 17 / 17

    Strength: quite strong

    Defence: average

    Movement: quite slow

    Intelligence: average




    Level: 1

    Hit Points: 8 / 8

    Strength: average

    Defence: tough

    Movement: average

    Intelligence: average


    All are up for trade. I'm looking for a well named Water or RoyalGirl Usul. Feel free to neomail me or message me on here. :)

  10. My pet's name is Ellia. She changes her look a lot, but currently she looks like this:




    I think that look is just the cutest thing. I've been playing since April 2011 and I love the site. I don't really play the games, but the quests are a fun way to make points.

  11. I love guilds if they're somewhat active (active enough that there are posts, but not too active that I can't read them all). I've been in three guilds that I was dedicated to for several years before they died off. I've been with my current guild for almost two years, though we just moved so it won't say so on my account. I feel very connected to my fellow guild members and I hope this one doesn't die out any time soon.

  12. I've been supporting Darigan ever since Faerieland was eliminated in the first Altador Cup. I'm horrible horrible horrible at Yuyooball, but I managed to get to the first ranking thanks to Slushie Slinger today. I have no idea how much playing my schedule will allow, so I figured since it was a horrible rainy day (so bad the trains and subways were all shut down thanks to floods), I'd stay inside and play today.

  13. As someone who used to adopt pets, zap them to something pretty, and send them back to the pound, this bothers me a lot (I stopped doing it to focus on zapping one pet for stats). Do these people not have better things to do with their time and neopoints?

  14. Are you sure? There used to be a block so you could only make five accounts per e-mail address. This is how I discovered I had two ancient accounts I hadn't accessed in ages on my hotmail. I have another e-mail that I use just as often so after freezing the two accounts on my first e-mail I switched the accounts I had at the time to the second e-mail and made the extra side accounts that I use now.

  15. I just have three goals - I need about half a dozen items for my gallery to be complete; there's a list of clothing I'd like to have; and I want more stamps. I don't have near the time I used to to play neopets though, so those goals are moving very very slowly.

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