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Status Updates posted by jumpingbeans

  1. Amazingly enough, it's my six-year anniversary on Neopets - time flies!

  2. Congrats on your 1000 posts!

    1. Welcome Back Apathy

      Welcome Back Apathy

      Huh, I didn't even notice. And yet I remember seeing that I was at 995 and thinking "HEY I SHOULD TOTALLY PARTY IT UP WHEN I REACH 1000!"


      ...Wanna go party?

  3. Interesting new name...as if YTTRIUM wasn't odd enough. :P

  4. Now has more views than both Ian and Spritzie...I'm coming for you, Neomysterion!

  5. The clever thing about never getting rid of my Christmas set is that I'm right 1/12th of the year. :)

  6. Happy /late birthday. :)

  7. Wow. I surpass 18 of the top 20 TDN posters in profile views! The only two top-20ers who have more profile views than me are Spritzie and Crobat. I would like to thank all my my friends, past and present, for helping me achieve this remarkable height. Love you all <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jumpingbeans


      Is there an actual list somewhere, or did you manually search them all?

    3. Noog


      I've personally probably given you 100 profile views because I get confused when you change your display name.

    4. jumpingbeans


      That's probably where they all come from. xD

  8. 7000 Active Posts!

  9. Lost Desert For The Cup!

  10. Well, I'm not trying to confuse just you...it's fun confusing everyone else too. :)

  11. Well, I'm not trying to confuse just you...it's fun confusing everyone else too. :)

  12. Well, I'm not trying to confuse just you...it's fun confusing everyone else too. :)

  13. Thanks for the birthday wishes. :)

  14. The Hunger Games=Awesome. :D Just sayin'

  15. Happy Pi Day!

    1. khaos


      You too! I thought I was the only one that remembered. :P

    2. jumpingbeans


      Of course not! It's my favorite holiday of the year!

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Do you want a present?

    1. -Ryan


      If it has a furry tail.

  17. This is me writing a new status update for which I will probably never go and check the comments because I'm too lazy and/or forget to check and because my PMs that I used to get whenever somebody commented on my profile, someone commented on my status, or a friend posted a status don't come any more. :(

    1. jumpingbeans


      And this is me double posting a status too. :P

    2. jumpingbeans


      Yeah, I went and stopped being lazy and I'll hopefully get notifications again. :)

  18. This is me writing a new status update for which I will probably never go and check the comments because I'm too lazy and/or forget to check and because my PMs that I used to get whenever somebody commented on my profile, someone commented on my status, or a friend posted a status don't come any more. :(

  19. What's on my mind?

    1. Ruka


      Thinking how awesome your new set is! Wait... that would be me! XD

      I too ship Vonde and Derbi with a burning passion! ;D

  20. YOU CAME BACK! :D Do you still write?

  21. A dozen, a gross, and a score...

    1. -Ryan



    2. Crimson


      and pi and euler's constant :P

  22. COMMENT!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jumpingbeans
    3. khaos
    4. Nataluna


      *knock knock knock* Sheldon *knock knock knock* Sheldon *knock knock knock* Sheldon :P

  23. Happy Birthday!

    1. Iona


      Thanks for the birthday wish!

      Sorry that I wasn't around a that time.

      Only just saw it :O

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