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Status Updates posted by Mouseykins

  1. Yay for my brace helping my wrist and nay for it getting in my way.

  2. *Does the rain dance*

  3. 26 weeks pregnant and a chest infection is NOT fun!

    1. Musical_Shoyru


      OMG! I didn't know you were pregnant! Congrats! :) <3

    2. Mouseykins


      Thanks! I've been keeping it quiet. Just announced to staff last week.

  4. Actually it's two teeth! Poor little girl.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mouseykins


      Of course they are but she could do without the pain of them coming in, she's quite irritable.

    3. Sweetdang


      Ouch. :/ I could imagine. Teething ring?

    4. Mouseykins


      The teething rings are too big for her :( Companies need to make something for smaller babies. She likes chewing on a cool washcloth. A couple days ago before she started getting irritable she'd chew her blanket, which was adorable. :)

  5. Angel, Mouse's mom , was about 10-11 years old. Mouse is so lonely now and is very mopey. She won't even play outside anymore. She used to bring her ball outside with her and roll it around in the snow. If Aussie is in good health he still has quite a few years. I think the average is about 13-15 years old for Jack Russels.

  6. Animals like cats and dogs are great when it comes to not acting their age. Mouse is 5 and at times you'd think she was a person. She acts like a little kid half the time. She's such an adorable pest but we love her just the way she is.

  7. Apparently spoons make good "swords" for a sword fight between a 2 and 5 year old. *facepalm*

  8. Arg!! WInter has finally hit here and I just want it to go away!!! :(

  9. At least its relatively warm out! Can't complain about that. Well I can, but shouldn't. XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hrtbrk


      YEG, too? It's reallly windy out there now!

    3. Mouseykins


      I know the wind here was terrible all last night and today it was just howling. It was so strong Mouse would almost refuse to go outside and when she did I was worried she'd get blown away. It's terrible being a dog sometimes.

    4. Mouseykins


      I hope it's not windy on saturday. I have a hair appointment in the afternoon before my husband's Christmas party. DO NOT need my freshly styled hair all messed up from the wind.

  10. Battlefront is addicting!

  11. Best Day EVER!!!! :D

  12. Chocolate Cheerios are AWESOME!!! <3

  13. Cleaning and getting rid of stuff that's not needed around the house is a wonderful feeling! I have a large garbage bag full of old papers that I've shredded and catalogues. The garbage people are not going to like me this week. Oops!

  14. Expecting our first!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Ryan


      Gratz. ^^

    3. hrtbrk


      YAY!!!! Congrats :D

    4. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Congratulations!! That is amazing! :D

  15. Finally got the 7.5million bank increase! Next stop 10 million!!! XD

    1. Tedhaun


      Good luck to getting yourself to Ultimate Riches! :D

    2. Mouseykins


      Thanks! I'm about 200k away from 8 million. XD

  16. Finally got the Symol Hole Avatar!

    1. hrtbrk


      Congrats :)

    2. Jacky


      congrats! Very lucky! I still need that one.....

    3. Mouseykins


      My suggestion for getting the avatar is just visit every day. That's all I did and it took a while but I eventually got it. XD

  17. Finally its above 0! <3

    1. Spritzie


      I'd send you some warmer temperatures if I could It's 10 pm here, and it's still 46 degrees.

  18. Finally reached level 50 in habitarium!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mouseykins


      thanx! For my first day on level 50 I've been making quite a bit of neopoints. yay!!!

    3. Jacky


      congrats! I'm stuck on 37 right now. *sighs* Can't wait till I get up there!

    4. Mouseykins


      I wasn't sure if staying on level 50 was actually worth it but it definitely is.

  19. floralbooks.tumblr.com

  20. Go away wind! I want nice warm sunny days.

  21. Got my new stroller and I'm over the moon excited about it! It's so fancy!

  22. Got to see the little one today! First ultrasound!

  23. Happy Belated Birthday Anisha! :)

    1. Anisha


      Thank you! ^^ And hehe...I know I am late. :P

  24. Having my 5 yo out of the house during the week for a couple of days is peaceful!

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