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CAV of Gang Green

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Status Updates posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Wondering if I should delete my Myspace account...

    1. -Ryan
    2. -Ryan
    3. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      The reason why is because I barely sign on, and the site has changed far too much to the point that it takes forever to load.


      And by deleting it, I won't be joining Facebook or Twitter, so don't count on that.

  2. *stomp*

    What do you mean you broke Ryan's posts?

    And I perfer the cold.

  3. *poke*

    That's for following our trend. :P

    And don't move from PA. I need someone from my rival city to talk to.

  4. Ok, they annoy you. That doesn't mean that they don't deserve a nickname. The Yankees annoy me, but they have a billion nicknames, and 27 WS titles to boot.

  5. Gang Green dummy.

    It's the nickname for the Jets.

  6. Just got my anti-depressants......I have a dry thoat and my jaw hurts now.

  7. Psst! I like you ignorance.

  8. My heart just sank and I died inside.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tyler.


      what happened? (broken record I know)

      I'm here for you man

    3. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      More than just that Tyler.

    4. -Ryan


      What happened?

  9. That's not stupid. I kinda understand why you would get confused about it.

  10. I feel like crap today, and I don't know why.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jumpingbeans


      Blame it on Ryan. He seems suspicious.

    3. -Ryan


      Why don't you go stop some russians from exploding the earth or something. <.<

    4. jumpingbeans


      Maybe I already did....

  11. I'm slowly dying inside...

    1. -Ryan


      -gives a chocolate chip muffin-

      Chocolate makes everything better. And ice-cream, or so i've been told by millions of depressed girls... And muffins are just amazing.

    2. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      If you want to know, PM me.

  12. My head is rather fuzzy right now, so I didn't notice. Thanks for pointing that out.

  13. Question: What was the best username I ever had? Check name history for references.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -Ryan


      I like the one from the future.

      CAV the Darigan All-star. -nodnod-

    3. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      Heh. It's better than Darigan Minion. Thank you for giving me an idea Ryan.

    4. -Ryan


      You are very welcome sir. :D

  14. Uploaded a crappy picture of himself. It's all I got on my laptop.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. jumpingbeans
    3. Spritzie


      I was so confused. It took me a couple minutes before I realized you no longer had the silhouette by your name.

    4. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      Same here. It felt weird to click on my profile and see an image there.

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