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CAV of Gang Green

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Status Updates posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. In the middle of a takeover.

  2. No, you must love it!

    *starts humming Facade*

  3. *wistles to Disturbed*

  4. Because I'm conducting the plan?

  5. Divya, you can't stop me. Nobody can.

  6. You're guard is down. Zip it up.

  7. Nobody stopped Divya, why stop me?

  8. You hear that Divya? I now have to take over. Sorry.

  9. Divya, why did you do that? Now you leave me no choice but to takeover.

  10. Is making a special little video for all you special TDNers.

    1. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      Yes on Youtube.


      I won't show myself, but you'll hear my voice.

  11. I'm always the bad guy. Why is this?

  12. is returning to Neopets after a brief hiatus. I must bask in the glory of my Darigan Hissi.

  13. That guy......from that day....at that place....

  14. I'm having meetings at my school for the next few days. As far as I'm concerned, this means school has started :(

    1. Big Brother

      Big Brother

      I don't start till Friday. Then I has weekend. Then I has Friday again because of funeral. Then I has weekend.

    2. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      I'm sorry for your loss.

  15. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  16. Did school start that early? Why is everyone gone??

    1. Fableheart


      School still didn't start for me, if that metters to you. :3

    2. Tyler.


      it started today for me DX

  17. Soah had this for a while. Either way, this beats Twitter....by much.

  18. New set! New name! New CAV!

  19. What conversation?

  20. When did I say that?

  21. Congradulations on being a Super Member.

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