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Big Brother

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Status Updates posted by Big Brother

  1. Demon Bunny used Win Battle! He wins the battle and kills you so you can NEVER live again.

  2. Don't worry! You get used to it...*Looks For An Avvy*

  3. Don't worry. I'll stop CAV, WITH MYSELF!!!

  4. Downloaded Firefox. ^^

  5. Fine then. Here's your BIG BOOM CHOCOLATE MILK.

  6. HAPPEH BIRTHDAY CAVVIE! *Gives You Exploding Peanut Butter*

  7. Hey! This user is four stars! *Rates Five Stars*

  8. Hey!! Nobody rated this user yet!! And she's new!! *Rates Five5 Stars*

  9. Hi CAV, I'm Ryan.

  10. I defiy what I want!

  11. I don't really mind either way.

  12. I just didn't see Lady Gaga in there.

  13. I know it seems like that...meh is 10 now...

  14. I know who has the other half! It Pirusher!

  15. I know. Also, do you think the 'You are not prepared' thing will happen again?

  16. I like your avvie. Mock The Week surpasses all!

  17. I must say, those pants are good!

  18. I opened them since I was born...my mum threw me through them...my dad caught me though...

  19. I think so too. There are other comedy shows like that, but Mock The Week is the best.

  20. Just so you know...Ruto is unaffected by your ebil mind controlling powers...and plus...his cheese has a security system...

  21. Meepits are not your minions, their HAMS minions. And how exactly will you destroy Krawk Island? Everybody who lives their would completely PWN you if you did.

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