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Posts posted by Zac

  1. xD Nice to meet a fellow Iowan. My city has been ravaged by storms as well. We haven't got sinkholes that big, but my next-door neighbor's house was ripped from its foundations....

  2. If you are using Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options and click on the Content tab. Click the Settings button in the AutoComplete area, and you can change it there.


    This works for IE7, and I'm pretty sure it works for all other versions of IE.

  3. I think it's illegal to block "junk" items (so you just see the profitable items) when you restock, not to block the ads. -_- (see a previous question about that on this page 13th and 14th posts)


    No. I don't think its possible to block junk items. I stick with what I said, you are not allowed to block ads while restocking.


    Krawk Islander is right, though. I should have been more clear.

  4. Yep. There has been a lot of confusion clouding that rule. As Xepha said, guild shops are only allowed as long as you use the funds for non-materialistic way. They are not allowed for buying items to give away to your members.


    A great solution is to make little awards for guild competitions. Or give the winners special priveleges like admin powers.

  5. xDDDD I've never noticed that! (For reference, that page is located here, and you must hover over the book with your cursor.)


    I guess some kind of are modeled after Pokemon. However, since some Pokemon are modeled after animals, it makes a hypothetical loop. :P If that made sense....

  6. Pet sitting is not allowed on Neopets. If someone is caught pet sitting both the "sitter" and the "sittee" (hehe) will get frozen.


    As for the codestone, I'm not sure, but I think that it isn't worth it. A lot of those books sound familiar to me and I don't think they are worth a lot. Again, I'm not 100% sure. I suggest looking up each individual book on the TP or SW and add all of the prices together to find the approximate value.

  7. Actually, it's considered illegal to block Neopets Ads while restocking. It could result in your account getting frozen. =/ It's considered cheating becasue it supposedly gives an unfair advantage because the page would load faster.


    As for the ads, I agree that some are very annoying and some in the past have been damaging to your computer. However, it seems Neopets needs their money.

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