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Posts posted by Zac

  1. I don't play much keyquest, but I always lose the petpetpet round up one. My computer always freezes, and I just end up watching my opponent capture all the petpetpets. I never have the same problem with the faellie maze though. Weird. o_O

  2. When you log in via the login page (not the form on the index page!), there is a Remember Me? checkbox. Check that, and you shouldn't have to log in every time you leave the site.


    If that doesn't work, there is something wrong with your cookie settings. You should make sure that you can accept cookies from tdn.


    Edit: V beat me.

  3. Just to add to this discussion, if you have a decent amount of NP (250K+), I would recommend giving RSing a shot. It takes practice and patience, but it is an easy way to make tons of NP. Keyquest is the easier option, but, of course, you won't have as much profit. It all depends on you.


    if you decide to try out restocking, I would recommend this guide in addition to TDNs.

  4. I do the same as V, but I use the books. There's a pretty high chance that advent calendar or event items from the GMC, Daily Dare, and plots are going to rise in price. It might not be a huge gain, but you are likely to get at least a couple thousand NP by waiting.

  5. That looks great! I really like the shading. I also need to try coloring in photoshop some time...


    Apart from that one ear, there are a few things that could be fixed. The rugged look of the line bothers me, but I'm not completely sure that can be remedied... You also might wnat to take a look at the feet. They look rather 2Dish.


    Other than that, I love it! :) I especially like the pose. Very creative! :yes:

  6. This is not against the rules. At least, I'm 95% sure. Neopets T&C state that making neopoints on multiple accounts is prohibited, but if all you are doing is making NP on one account and transferring in temporarily to another account (without the gain of NP) it is fine.


    What I've done is create a trade on the TP with a side account and offer NP on your main. This way you can reject your offer once you want your NP back. If you have more than 800K you'll need to make multiple trades or use the auctions.

  7. Well let's not ask too much! Ian here has like a million websites to manage. WHo knows how he gets it all done! I think he's underappriciated.. no offense to anyone. He gives so much and takes so little. let's go Ian.


    Its not that we, or at least me, don't appreciate him. Far from it, in fact, I know how hard he works to keep this website up and running. (Not to mention the awesome staffers that work here!) :P I just feel that its my responsibility to suggest new ideas to help make TDN a stronger, more community oriented website. The ideas don't necessarily need to be used. ;)


    Anyways, to get slightly more on-topic, I still think that different colored counters would be nice to have. :)

  8. Well, I'm sure TDn would come up with some uber-cool new design, but I think a smaller counter would be a good idea.


    Also, to improve on the existing one, it would be nice to have different colors other than orange. It would also rock to be able to choose the five avatars that appear on the counter. To personalize it better, y'know?

  9. Today is a very special day for me! :) Not only is it the start of winter break, but it is also the day when I can finally pick up my new kitten. My kitten, Moe, is only about a month old, so he had to be weened from his mother before we could take him home. I'm so exicted! My family and I will be picking him up this afternoon.


    I hope to post some pictures of him here soon! He's so cute! :wub_anim:

  10. the pictures of Neopets are essentially divided into parts (eg. head, wings, feet, tail, hair, etc), and are put together by flash programming. You can see this if you load a pet's page and see their image appear in parts. By doing this, Neopets are able to look good while being customized and also saves Neopets artists from some extremely tedious work.


    It's just a glitch, I'm sure it will be fixed soon. ;) It looks like the chia is back to normal, but the lenny still looks funny. :P

  11. It's nice to see some actual content posted on these forums once in a while. Good job, guys! :) I agree with most of what has been said here, but I would like to add something. Some people have been looking for ways to draw in new members to the forum. While that's just fine and dandy, I think that a better approach here would be to add more content to the main site. Maybe a plot, a new department, or another super content update week, whatever gets the job done. Members can contribute too, though! Why not clicking that handy dandy "Contact Us" link on the bottom of every page? Tell the staff what content you would like to see and what you think thay need to fix around the site. Better yet - submit your own content!


    I love AA's point on member-run activities. I even have a few ideas myself, but the more the better! Maybe the only way to get new members is to show how active the members here are and what a tight-knit community we've formed. Ideas are potentially endless, and sure are a lot of fun, not only to participate in, but to organize. On a side note, I 'd like to see that member rating activity done again. It was fun last time we did it. Maybe this time, however, we throw in a few twists and nominate members for certain categories such as: "Friendliest", "Best Advice Giver", "Graphics King/Queen", etc. I would also be willing to help out organizing such an event.


    Oops, maybe I got a little carried away... I guess thats just the mod/FM in me speaking again. :P

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