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Posts posted by Zac

  1. On my new account, I need to rebuy the lab map... its about 800K more expensive than what I bought if for on my old account. Stupid inflation.


    I'm also saving up for a Pirate Paint Brush for my Lupe. Shouldn't take more than a few months to get, then I'll start working on those expensive item avatars, I suppose.

  2. This looks like fun! :) I've had my share of funny conversations.


    Metroid : Zac, do you at LEAST have the cranky old woman?

    Zac : yes

    Metroid : YAY

    Metroid : Where is she?

    Zac : *stares at Anime*


    anime : *wacks heads together*

    Metroid : YEOW!

    Zac : shes cranky *cough* a girl and she is older than me

    anime : *shoves Zac's head in a bee hive*

    Zac : yummm.honey

    Metroid : xDDDDDDDDD

    anime : The bees will sting you.

    Metroid : Bees: DRUNKEN YASMITH!

    Zac : thats okay...shows peace treaty

    Metroid : Bees: Alright. *Sleep*

    Metroid : xD

    Metroid : Zac funny bunny!

    Zac : HAHA /p/

    Metroid : PFFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Metroid : I blew a raspberry.

    Zac : BLEAHG*COUGH*BLEAGH! May I buy you some coffeecough*

    anime : O-o

    Zac : [yay]

    Zac : ANIME!

    Metroid : Zac, I got this hobo drunk and now he wants to dance with a Yoshi.

    anime : ?

    Zac : your name spelled backwards is enamel

    Metroid : xD

    anime : Is not.

    Zac : wait....your nmae is lemane

    anime : It's emina

    Zac : you too...

    Metroid : Zac, it's Grover Cleveland spelled bacwards.

    Zac : wos zat?

    Metroid : 0_0

    Zac : o_O

    Metroid : 0____________0

    Zac : o_O_ooOO-


    anime has left the conversation.



    Zac : no....

    Metroid : Darn. Mega darn. You want a smoothie?

    Zac : sure

    Metroid : *Gives Zac a roughy* I had troubles making it smooth.


    Or at least random ones.... :P

  3. haha, thanks! Yeah, I should consider making a deviantArt account.... maybe some day. :)


    EDIT: I get a bit squeamish about having pictures floating around the internet for a longish period of time, so I'll be replacing the video game picture. Sorry about that folks... Instead, why not enjoy a nice puppy that I drew? (Info is on the first post)



  4. Why, thank you. :)


    Yes, the person on the left is Master Chief. Then, from left to right, it goes Marcus Fenix, some random guy I can't remember the name of, and Sam Fisher.

  5. lol I just HAD to pop in. :) I'll probably just wear a cape and call it a costume. I know it lacks creativity, but it'll get me the candy. =/ I'm such a child. ^_^


    That reminds me, I should change my display name...

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  9. Well, I guess that's the most reasonable explanation. Even though I don't remember it... I'll use it on my Kacheek soon! :D


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  10. Can Tarla give out retired items? (I don't have the tooblar installed, by the way.)


    It seems too odd to be a glitch. But I really can't come to any other conclusion. And I don't want to use it until I know for sure...

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