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Status Updates posted by Zac

  1. Zac

    ohhai I forgot I could bug you over here too. :p

  2. Mwehe. Do you still check this?

  3. Zac

    VVV! Miss you! :O

  4. Zac

    Happpyy Birthdayyy! :D Long time no see!

  5. Zac

    zomg! *hugglesmash* I haven't talked to you in ages!!SHIFT1!1

  6. Meh, we haven't talked at all in a month or so. Oh no! Lets fix that. :D

  7. Zac

    :O Why, yes, I think I do! *danceparty* Thank you!

  8. hey! i like to call myself one, but in the grand scheme of things... im not. lol the project was a (not-so) simple overhaul of my site's backend admin.

  9. Hey, what's up?

  10. hey! I added you on MSN. Talk to you on there. Congrats on becoming a mod! :)

  11. Zac

    xDD you, too! Congrats, my fellow mod! :P

  12. Zac

    Well, you can make awesome graphics in PS in no time at all. Hence you make it look easy. :)

  13. Zac

    Of course you are awesome! :) You make Photoshop look easy.. :P

  14. Zac

    xD her birthday is coming up soon. We should give her something special.

  15. Zac

    xDDDDD I love that! I'll make sure that she never forgets that! *runs off* hehe......that made me snort soda up my nose.

  16. Zac

    Oh yeah, I hated it when he woudl run in circles around me and charge.. >.< Zelda was pretty easy to defeat though!

  17. Zac

    xD I think that the Ocarina of Time Ganon was harder than the Twilight Princess version...

  18. Zac

    yeah! Its so weird. I didn't use it against him, though. I thought it would take away the fun and the satisfaction. :P

  19. I did. He looks so cute! ^_^

  20. Zac

    XDDD *goes to try it* I still haven't gotten the biggest quiver yet, though. I suck at the game. :(

  21. Zac

    In all fairness, I was impressed when she kept quiet when I took about 6 hours to get a dumb heart piece at the fishing hole.

  22. Zac

    That IS annoying! Especially in dungeons whenever you walk by a locked door. >.< She tells you you need a "special key" to open it.

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