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Status Updates posted by Zac

  1. Zac

    xDDD I wonder.... I do wish that you could have played after you defeated Ganondorf. Even if as a child. and then you could use all the adult weapons. :O That'd pwn :)

  2. Zac

    Awww...that was so sad. But it really wrapped up the whole game. It would be cool to play afterwards, without Navi. :P No Z-Targeting! :O

  3. Hey Ellie! I haven't talked to you in a while! :)

    How's little Viggy?

  4. Zac

    I was surprised. The ending turned out way better than I expected. =)

  5. Zac

    zomg! I just beat Ocarina of Time on the Wii! I'm so proud of myself! :)

    Funny thing is....Bongo Bongo was harder than Ganon was. :P

  6. Zac

    Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your presents! ;)

  7. Zac

    Happy Birthday!

  8. Zac

    YAY! Happy Birthday!

  9. Zac

    *smacks Metroid* Sorry for the violence Ian

  10. :( It wasnt....

  11. Commentless Comment!

  12. Zac

    I agree....I think...

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