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Deepti M.

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Status Updates posted by Deepti M.

  1. Haha I'm back! (:

  2. yes, Taylor Lautner is just so mmmm. <3 haha. nm. hbu? :D


  4. loves the new layout. :D

  5. i was here the whole time you silly person. :o


  7. lucky. i'm too lazy to download them. =p

  8. i know selena gomez. :O

  9. omg, you're so good at coding. :O

  10. Then this is a sign of affection too.

    *pokes with Gwen's spork*

  11. lmao. tons of vacation, homework, ugh. D: so now i'm only on season 2 of episode 16. AND I CAN'T FIND IT ONLINE ANYWHERE. D:

  12. oh noez. i iz being poked. D: first in the guild, now this?! *runs away and hides*

  13. Gossip girl is AMAZING. It's so addicting too. =P I have to catch up on 9 episodes though. D:

  14. LINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. So do I. That's why I must beat you. Someday. When I can actually get 230 avatars...then 250...then *keeps rambling on*

  16. Why must you have so many avatars?! WHY?!!!!!!! D:

  17. :O I claim half the money when you get a reality tv show! xD

  18. You're 6 years old? Deepti just found a genius in the house. xD

  19. Your AC stats make me envy you. xD

  20. Deepti is special. :D

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