The ray is fired at 16B...
... and she changes colour to Gold!!
Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play]
Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play]
4. nova
6. ant
7. altalaphus
9. eyrieki
12. eeeee
14. uni
15. extreme
Down:1. ant1. fortune
2. tag
3. ball
5. art
8. prize
10. yellow
11. illusen
13. bite
Which group does NOT play at the Tyannian Concert Hall?
Answer: The Drenched
Prize: 300 NP
Remember that I asked for Fonthy to turn Candy as my Holiday Dreampet Giveaway?
Today, after few days using him as Lab Rat
The ray is fired at Fonthy...
... and he changes colour to Candy!!