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Right ok. So I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong area but I am not 100% sure where it should go.


I was putting my description in my UL and well I have a whole bunch of enters in there, but when I saved the changes it shows up as on big block of text and that isn't what I am wanting. Is there something "special" that you have to do when putting enters in your UL??


lol Yes, its HTML :P To create a new line use <br> - if you want a new paragraph (i.e. down two lines) then you can use <p>.


Just want to tell you, if you use <p> for your paragraphs, make sure that you close them (</p>). If you don't, you'll get some annoying filter issues. :)


Right so does it go like this <p> text </p> ??


I should really know this aye?? They did teach us the basics of it in school, when we had to make a really basic web page :P hehe but that was 7 years ago :O


Edit: Don't worry I figured it out. I decided to experiment and well it worked :D Also I didn't have to use any of the foreward slashes or anything, just the code Zac.


Yeah, technically speaking, you should end the <p> tag, as Xepha says :P I never bother on userlookups though, saves characters! *hates character limits*

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