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Has anyone here gotten it!? I have been trying it seems FOREVER to get it with no luck.


I pull the lever 10 times a day, part of my OCD I suppose. LOL


Gah! :S


I was EXTREMELY lucky and got the avatar on my forth try. :)


It's like my only random avatar though.


But, yes I have it; it is possible to obtain.


I have been trying for this avvie to and I haven't seemed to be able to achieve it yet :( I click about 5 times a day sometimes a do it twice so 10 times a day.


Unfortunatly its random - so some people get it on one of their first trys *grumbles at TJ* and others spend millions without getting it... the joys of random avatars lol


I also need to get it. I must give a try sometimes, but I don't have the heart to try at the moment *hope to get kiss the mortog also, and dice-a-roo*

I dislike to spend my NP on luck games just to have an avy. It's so random. <_<


I heard of people that spent 3 million until they finnally got the av... o_O


I am saving for Adam, after that I may give it a try...


I only play it like one or two times a day since it is quite random, no point spending so much, if you will get it, you will get it...


I hate random avatars, I usually have no luck with them. I can't even imagine how much I've wasted trying to the the lever of doom avatar. I give up then I try again. Good luck to those who still need it.


Ages ago I blew like 5k on it in one burst. I got bored and haven't tried since...


I have a lot of other random avatars though, like Deserted Tomb and Coconut Shy


I'm not one for chance things, so I've only tried this like five times in all my time on Neopets. :P After all, I'm not an avatar collector.


wow I was quite shock that people spend millions on this avvie, I wonder where all these money goes to :hmmph:


At the rate I'm going, I am spending 365,000np a year on trying to get that avvie. *shakes head*


Yesterday it was EVIL to me, sort of. I got a random event when I pulled it I was all excited I may have gotten it, but it was a codestone. It was worth over 10K though, so I can deal with that! 10 days worth of pulling that lever! LOL


Well the Lever of Doom is rather a good thing actually - by taking NP out of the Neopian economy, it helps to combat inflation. :yes:



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