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Actually, Zinzi hasn't posted or been online since he/she started this topic. x_x

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You must have scared her/him away with all your LIES about our wonderful cookies!!!


You were the one who scared him/her away with your lies about my lies about your lies about my supposed lies about your poisoned cookies! :grrr:


You know what - let's just cut out all the talk of poisoned cookies and start up a good old PIE FIGHT!!! *starts throwing pies*


I'm not sure when a newbie welcome board turned into a pie fight, but...*throws cherry pies at AA*


Haha aww thanks for the welcomes guys! ^_^ Sorry I haven't been online, had a bit of a hectic, random weekend haha. I'm back now though :) & the cookies are amazing. Don't suppose I could have some juice to go with them though? :*


Hehe thankyou! & Nope, I think it's safe to say it's all good... You might want to start worrying if I don't come online for a couple of days though, god knows what you guys could of put in those cookies... :sick01: :sick02: Especially if you thought I was a typical noob who was going to post once & never come back!


We won't worry.. we will just think that you are unwell due to all the pie fighting!!! Told you they were all good Morgan and not POISONED!!! *throws cream pie at Morgan*


Hey Zinzi, welcome back.. I thought the insane members of the Forums might have scared you away!! But you back :D


Must I explain once more that the cookies on the RIGHT are poisoned? NOT the cookies on the left? Zinzi took the ones on the LEFT.


And I'm glad Zinzi posted again. I've seen too many newbies post a welcome board and never come back.


You aren't the only one Morgan. I have only been on here for a couple of months and I have seen the same thing :S Strange huh, why bother at all?


Morgan for goodness sake DOOMs cookies are always on the left, never on the right. I swear you are getting crazy as time passes. Did you take the right pills this morning??


Marianne is correct - look at any of the other welcome topics, and you will see members of DOOM Corp. offering their delicious cookies, which are laid out on the table to the left. :yes:


And welcome once again Zinzi! :D Enjoying the pie fight?


No, I took the LEFT pills this morning. xD


I swear Metroid is getting to me. x_x


*Throws pies at Metroid just for the fun of it*


Say Morgan, why don't you try a few of the cookies on the left table? You did say they were harmless after all. :yes:


I think Morgan took the wrong pills... Maybe she was suppose to take the ones on the right :O


So Zinzi, what do you think of the Forums so far?


You will clearly notice that all those who think I'm "crazy" are either members of DOOM or are considering joining it...


But let's cease the bickering in front of Zinzi. xD


She has to get used to it eventually!! Might as well be while we welcome her, aye Zinzi?


:eh: Insanity isn't about arguing over cookies - it's about stuff like pie fights! (: Let's keep this one going! :P


*Bombards everybody with pies* Attention all new members - if you were wondering what the general atmosphere of TDN is like, well: *throws pie* :P


I think we have a new way to welcome our newbies!! Offer them cookies and throw pies at them :P *gets a gun that shots out hundreds of pies, and starts shoting*

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