smumpkins Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Okay, so I was wondering if anyone here would happen to have a pet with either sneezles or neoflu that they'd be willing to lend me via Transfer. I'm willing to cover the transfer fees. I really just need the battledome challenger so that I can continue with my DoN. >_<;; If anyone would be kind enough to help, but doesn't want a bunch of people pestering them, please neomail me (username is Smumpkins) to let me know. I'm also known for giving gifts to those that help. :wink:
~*MidnightMoonFiretail*~ Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 You could get them via the wheel of misfortune, so if you haven't spun that you should try, and if one of my pet gets these sicknesses I will contact you via neomail. Sorry I couldn't help right now. :*
smumpkins Posted May 2, 2008 Author Posted May 2, 2008 I've been trying that since the pound was initially closed. Wheel of excitement and wheel of misfortune - get sick, but never the correct disease. v_v;;
~*MidnightMoonFiretail*~ Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 The wheel of excitement only gave me gave that to me 5 times already, and no other sickness. I've gotten the sneezles from the wheel of misfortune. This post has been edited by a member of staff (Superfly) because of a violation of the forum rules. This doesn't help Michael get a sick Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
smumpkins Posted May 2, 2008 Author Posted May 2, 2008 I've even tried checking the charter boards to find one, and yet still nothing. Okay, I'm almost to the point of giving a Ten Dubloon Coin just to borrow a sick pet. >_<;; Also, does anyone know of a good place on Neopets to look for these people?
crxsnochic Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Not sure what TNT's rules are for advertising for pet lending on the neoboards, but if pet lending for avs is ok, I don't see why this wouldn't be OK. Of course, you don't want to be frozen just cause TNT seems to like freezing people. Too bad this wasn't a couple weeks ago, I just cured my pet from neoflu after I got the challenger. I'll start going to the misfortune wheel again, maybe I'll get 'lucky' and get neoflu/sneezles. If I can get it, I'll definitely lend you a pet for the challenger. (no dubloons needed, you helped me with an av, so hopefully I'll be able to help you with one!)
smumpkins Posted May 2, 2008 Author Posted May 2, 2008 Ah, thank you for the kind thoughts, but I found someone willing to lend. Thank you! ^_^ Any staffer reading this, please close the topic. Thanks. :wink:
Xepha Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 I'm glad you got the challenger you were looking for ;) This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Xepha). The original topic had been answered. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Xepha if you have any questions regarding this action.
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