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Ok, so I know the av is obtainable (the highscres are in the 4-5ks), but I don't see how you can score 3000+ pts at Meepit vs. Feepit. Is there a huge point bonus if you complete all levels without getting hit? I have been able to complete the game without being hit except for once (I got a score of 2058), but my highest score is 2155 (which I actually acheived when I was hit about 5 times.) Oh, and I usually win with about 77 seconds left, I don't know if its possible to beat them any faster, cause if i type faster, it doesn't register the key strokes


So my question is: how is 3000+ pts possible? Is there a 1000pt bonus or something if you have a perfect game (not hit once), or is there something else that I'm missing?


Thanks for any help (I think my x and y keys are gonna fall off if I play this game much more!)


Nope Nope!

You know how there are 3 rounds if you win all three?


Well you have to lose 2, so you get a total of 5 rounds, and you'll rack up points, even if you lose.


So like this : You win two, and you lose two, and then you win the final :)


you should rack up enough points :/


Ahh... that seems counter-productive... but leave it to TNT! I've sent my 3 scores for today so I'll give that a try tomorrow! (I don't want to do all that x, y taping again if it won;t be counted :P )Thanks for your help and I'll post if I have any further q's!


Perhaps this could be added to TDN's meepit vs. feepit guide???


I think the way to do it is to do combos. I believe they give you more points than normal hits. You need to lose two and win three, but you should still take out as much health as you can on the fights you lose because you still gain points for that. If you do that and complete the game you should be able to get the avatar or even a high score.


I'm pretty sure that's the way I did it to get the avatar (and for Daily Dare as well).


Yay, I got the av! Thanks everyone for the tips! I had been doing the combos, just hadn't been losing two/winning three. It took me two tries with that method though, but thats cause I would stand too close to the meepit while I hit my combo buttons. If the meepit is blocking and you hit it with a punch, it takes away small amounts of it's hp without giving you any points. So I was getting about one less combo hit in per round. I realized that halfway through the 1st game but it was too late to save that game (won by 2997 pts.. ugh!) So next game I stayed well away from the meepit while I punched in the combos, and I won with 3187, and also have the av!


Perhaps a staffer could add the lose two, win three approach to the guide, as well as the tip from standing back from the meepit while punching in combo keys to the TDN game guide?


Added to the guide. ;)


On a side note, if you want to see tips added to our guides, please use the contact form on TDN. I don't read each and every messages on the forum so I could have miss this suggestions.


Cool to know.. though you do a wonderful job of giving the impression that you read and know all of the forum happenings! :yes:


I do read a lot, but I get things done faster when I see that I have 1 new email to read ;)


I did get the avatar using this method a few weeks ago. I wish the other meepit avvie was that easy XD


Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll ever get the juice break av... I'm thinking of trying to do it in zen mode, scoring one point per meepit fed, it would probably be a 10 hour game, but maybe I'll do it while I write my term paper on saturday.


I am super pumped about this av though, I generally stink at the flash games, so all these tips and pointers were great!


I stink at games too but not only that Meepit Vs. Feepit happens to be one of the most boringist games on neopets and I don't know if I have thte motivation to play to get 3,000 points :S


Actually, I find zen mode in sutek's tomb the most boringest game. :S


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I guess it's just my personality, but I actually kinda like playing Meepit vs. Feepit. :P I've never tried the strategies mentioned here before though (I just play to win :evil: ), so I'll give it a shot sometime and hopefully I'll be able to add another avatar to my collection. ^_^


Oh, and don't worry Xepha - I'll continue to send you messages on MSN whenever I see any suggestions on the forums for you. :devil:


Since I got the avatar I've only played Meepit v Feepit once and that was for Daily Dare this year. I don't really like it very much. But then again, I don't really like any of the games very much :P


The avvie for meepit vs. feepit requires some practice to get. I still haven't gotten it, even thouhg I've tried for it with the win and lose type of gaming. It's kind of hard and the game is slow. The neopoint ration isn't very high, either, so I don't count that game as a game I play often.

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